It’s alright. Definite improvement over the first game. The free roaming in combat is cool. I still hate the rabbids

The only frogger game you will ever need

I wanted to like this game SO bad!! I love mother likes! This definitely feels like it came from a time when PC MMOs were all the rage. Usually if I don’t like the gameplay of something characters and story can at least carry it, but not with this game. It looks beautiful tho and takes fun advantage of it being a DS game.

I think this game is a bit more cohesive than MGS2 but I prefer that game for sure

Playing this game reminded me that back in the day Wendy’s had some really badass Kirby toys

In a previous life I was a jazz musician and this game was still super challenging lol

This game walked so that Undertale could run

Honestly I have no idea what I’m doing while playing this game, but I love it. While I still prefer tatsunoko vs capcom this one probably has the best selection of capcom characters in a fighting game

This game did for the PlayStation what OOT did for the N64. Both very innovative games

This game is worth owning an OG Xbox for

Definitely the hardest game I’ve ever played

I never thought I’d say it but this might be better than skate 3


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This game has the cutest gameboy cartridge of all time