The first 2 hours was really a banger looking like an improved version of Slay the Spire with amazing music and voiced storytelling. However after that the game slowly loses its charm to me as the deck building chemistry isn't as exciting as it was in the first run through. The difficulty curve is also messed up, enemies are either too easy or too hard. The UI is also badly optimised for those summoner classes. I still really liked the game as I'm a fan of the genre and I can see the dev is definitely putting their effort and ideas into this game. I just wish it could've lived up to its potential.

Would have been a much better game if it were half as short. It should be no more than a 10 hours long experience with the somewhat interesting but eventually monotonous battle system.

As someone who is completely new to driving trains, I will say if you're like me, then this game isn't even worth a try because you won't even get pass of the tutorial because of how bad it guides you and how buggy it is.

Bowser's Fury good, 3D World bad. Free camera good, fixed camera bad.