"Cool guys don't look at explosions" the game. Great movement and gunplay but is lackluster everywhere else. Fun, short ride for those who love fast games.

Has a unique world and charm to it. The game is goofy anime strategy so be warned. Very easy if you abuse specific troops but can be challenging if played by the rules. Easy to recommend to those who aren't into strategy.

Brings out the perfectionist in you while still allowing for adaptation and room for error. Very fun game that is a must play.

It's style and music are timeless. The gameplay is not. Can be janky and hard to control at time, but once you get the flow, it feels great. Level design and objectives can be misleading at times.

Nero is very fun to play and a great into to how the series works. While playing Dante with his new tools is great fun, you have to be a dedicated fan to not let the games shortcomings (no new levels for Dante) not cloud you judgement. Very rewarding game for those who delve into it's mechanics. Also godlike cutscenes.

Short and sweet game that has a great sense of style. Shooting feels good and you'll be sad when this short game is over.

A co-op game that doesn't take advantage of the fact that there are two players. Most levels require minimal team work, usually concentrated into a few puzzles. If you want an easy, beginner friendly game to play with someone, this is a great choice.

Wanted to love this game but couldn't. Was expecting more evolution for an action focused title like this so I hope the next game goes horror and plays to that strength.

Really dumb fun. Movement still unseen in any other third person game. Just laugh at the story and scenarios and you're in for a great time. Re5 turned up to 11 basically.

Catches a lot of flack and in some ways its deserved. Re4 was already goofy, but re5 makes its villain's and encounters very twirlly-mustache. Solid action but AI is DUMB so please play with a homie.

Very solid game that does enough to separate itself from the original to give a fresh take. It is not resident evil 4 (2005) and could never match up to the legacy and influence of what came before. It is very fun and makes me wish more 3rd person game adopted the movement and mechanics of this game. My favorite line is missing in this game and it hurts.

Heartbreaking. Left out multiple areas, enemies and dialogue from the original and lasts 4 hours for the first playthrough. Please do not play this unless you are being paid. It's not a bad game, but as someone who paid full price for what is essentially dlc, I still cry.

While it lacks some of the scenarios from the original game, it manages to reinvent the old game a-la re4. Zombies are a real threat in this game which makes it a bit refreshing. Mr. X implementation is very lack luster, and not enough was done to manipulate him as a way of dealing with him.

Game with cool art and a story concept let down by bland repetitive gameplay that doesn't offer the variety it needs. Despite being able to make your own combos, never becomes more than a button masher.

Desperately wanted to love this game. The art, music and world design make a great first impression, but the game is too long for it's own good. There isn't enough variety to last its 30 hour runtime. Finished it to say I did.