1144 reviews liked by liquid_sunset

Streamed this to my friend for whom this is his favorite game of all time. After i finished he said, and i quote “so Garb, hows it feel knowing that you can look down on the stupid masses and have full authority over them in discussions of story in video games now that youve played the citizen kane of the medium?” To which, i replied “yeah i thought it was pretty decent”

v weird and jarring seeing this game actively fight against itself every minute of its playtime. it’s trying to appeal to fans of action games of the early 2010s while also trying to make sure classic sh (silent hill AND survival horror) fans still fuck w it. third person standard fare controllable camera that occasionally switched to fixed camera angles + classic sh item pick up noise that sounds strange coming from this game. and that works well enough for me tbh. can’t lie I did play the majority of this w v low audio on bc what I did gleam from the story was insanely boring not to mention its depictions of black/hispanic/native american peoples is like uhhh iffy and stereotypical. so I didn’t bother w the side quests bc why are there side quests in a survivalhorror game + if that’s the writing they’re leading w and isn’t optional I can’t imagine the writing for the optional side quests is at all good. rlly rlly cool and beautiful and very creative set pieces and how the game fucks w ur perspective idk I rlly do like this game visually.

idk good silent hill is like a rlly good horror movie and downpour is like a fun but shoddily/hurriedly made haunted house. it’s a vague impression and idea of sh and that’s good enough w me lol idk though ill prob rlly like the sh2 remake so yknow w/e

why did I spend sixty dollars on a kind of mid ancient game that sat below my tv for like six months

surprisingly solid run-n-gun (not so much running), but overall feels pretty good to play for an snes game. the description on here compares to castlevania and contra and i must say, it's basically somewhere between the two.

i remember when my friend got this running on my psp during school. great fucking time i had there, wish i understood the game tho lmao

anything BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo deserves 5 stars

A game that fails in almost every regard. Broken network play, repulsive looking models, barely-functioning gameplay, etc. This is a 161-gigabyte game and none of that is functional and coherent code. Sad face!

Faithfully adapted and meticulously crafted moments of pure awesomeness, the classic that put bozo ‘’shooters’’ to utter shame for eternity is 1 to 1 perfectly replicated onto the gameboy. A continuous loop of the glorious theme song playing constantly forever? what more can you ask for? Shut the fuck up grandma, im playing HALO: COMBAT DEVOLVED

Darkwood nos convida para mergulhar profundamente nos recantos mais obscuros da mente humana.

Começo dizendo que uma boa parte dos jogos de terror que já vi/joguei são em primeira pessoa, com jumpscares nada surpreendentes, intrometidos e que sempre chegam em um ponto em que as coisas se tornam banalizadas, tentando ao máximo garantir que o jogo seja emocionante.

Muitas pessoas gostam disso, e tá tudo bem, no entanto, Darkwood é uma experiência muito distante da norma.
Darkwood depende de sua escrita, história, criaturas e recursos visuais para perturbar você. E o visual... Ah, o visual.
O visual de Darkwood é um dos mais impressionantes e inspiradores que já vi. Não há nada que Darkwood mostre que você não deva ver, nada que não conte uma história ou deixe claro o horror da floresta, da peste e das forças que a influenciam aquele lugar.

Darkwood é a experiência DEFINITIVA de Survival horror com elementos de suspense fortíssimos.
Sua abordagem meticulosa em criar uma atmosfera sombria, opressiva, desconhecida, aliada à profundidade de seus personagens, eventos e símbolos é realmente de borrar a calcinha.

Dito isso, As Wood são de fato bem Darks.

Yea, The game's good. We all fucking knew that. What I wanna know is why the fuck did they make Transformed Gruntilda such a baddie.

nice lil trip down memory lane

the only reason to play this is if you're horny for jill's blonde ass... so, yeah.