A competent and well-crafted metroidvania. It doesn't bring anything new to the genre but I'll play one of these any day of the week without hesitation. Also doesn't outstay its welcome.

By no means perfect and certainly a bit long in the tooth, TLC is a fine-tuned Metroidvania that does lean a little heavy on design concepts from modern popular MVs, but manages to incorporate a compelling enough combat system that kept me engaged to the end.

Knowing the team behind Rayman Origins/Legends made this, I guess I feel a bit underwhelmed that the magic of those games (specifically the level design) shows up in places for TLC, but you do feel left wanting for more. The fast travel locations are a fucking pain for how big the map is (there is no reason travel couldn't have been assigned to the tree checkpoints).

But hey, it's a solid MV and ticks enough boxes to get a thumbs up.

Decent enough Metroidvania but holy fucking christ some of these character designs would make dead or alive blush.

A remarkable feat for being developed over such a short period of time. Entirely retains the flavour and tone of Celeste while weaving in all those trappins of a Nintendo 64 game.

However, I will say Celeste doesn't fully translate with success from 2D to 3D in the same way a Mario does, as some of the platforming in conjunction with the camera becomes too much of a hassle. But also, the fucking thing was made in two weeks and is free.

From the 1-6 Remaster

First time playing V and yes, the job system is very cool, but the world for which you have to play around with this system just isn't that interesting, applied to characters that don't carry any emotional weight to them.

Exdeath is a tremendous shitweasel of a villian though.

Nah man this just fucks. Straight up.

God I tried but this thing is utterly punishing to play. Every single room you enter is like the game giving you another swift middle finger.

The rating being as high as it is is solely on the DK Rap and 'OOO BANANA' bit.

A puzzle game using the walking sim flow/ mechanics of walking around and picking up notes, though I found it far more appealing here as the notes serve the puzzles with a smattering of world building. A genuinely wonderful experience.

Has a great look and FEEL (the animation in particular is sublime) but falls into too many tropes of a rogue lite and gameplay that isn't strong enough to carry the weight of those issues. Would have preferred it as a marble madness with guns.


A simple reminder with games that you don't need to do a lot to make a point. Also a reminder Walking Sims work better the less they ask you to do.

Incredibly absorbing and unnerving... and sneakily one of the best looking games of the year.

The cat can wear a mushroom hat.

I wanted to like this so much more than I ended up doing so.

Don't get me wrong, ACT is a wonderful game with memorable characters, genuinely funny writing and inventive level design that at its highest points reminded me of Psychonauts, but it's a case of the game showing its flaws the longer it goes on, and I was ready for the game to end several hours before it wanted to.

A completely unhinged 90s looking platformer with a smattering of Crazy Taxi thrown in for good measure. A delight.

Extremely polished mash up of Tetris and Threes. Also scratches that feeling in Peggle where sometimes you just hope the physics favour you. Love the overall presentation. Easy recommendation for the price.

A loving and fitting tribute to 90s survival horror. A little easy and a little too short, but the overall tone/look is spot on with a surpsingly engaging story that doesn't go too far down the pitfalls of being self-aware or tropey.