Can we get a fully-fledged THPS GBA game out of this? I'd sure love so.

I've lost more hours to this game than I'm prepared to admit, but I'll happily lose more to it.

Pretty sure if I played this now I'd have some form of an existential crisis - so er, good job, Firewatch?

I've got it ranked this high on the soundtrack alone, but it's definitely got flaws all over the shop.

What can be said? The standard for which all open-world games need to match going forward (and likely none of them will).

Perfectly enjoyable Metroidvania.

The mad bastards did it. A mobile port of RL that should not work and yet totally retains the feeling of the original.

Easily recommended if you want some RL on mobile.

2nd playthrough on the Series S port. Other than some pacing issues where you feel like you're eternally going back and forth trying to unlock conversations with different suspects, the world of Paradise 24 is as vibrant and insane as ever.

Looks great blasted up on a 4k TV. Get it played.