How do you top the tight as fuck action of the original GR? Add a motorbike, of course.

Just like Neon White, if you avoid every single second people are talking in this game (though some of the Jack/Rahu sections were mildly compelling) you have one of the best games of the year.

Some of the strongest and funniest writing in a game this year. There are fair points to be made about the skateboarding and combat feeling hollow, though I'd argue the battle mechanic isn't about the combat itself, but the emotional war and reconciliation that comes at the end.

An array of strong characters and writing means this one will stick with me for sometime.

An absorbing, medatative experience hampered by the fact everything outside of the climbing mechanic just ain't all that interesting. With that said, I'd love to see Don't Nod have a second crack at this and nail the level design inbetween the moments of climbing.

Feels like a wholly realised version of Gang Beasts with some very cute animal designs and highly enjoyable modes. Perfect addition to Game Pass.

Imagine putting this out within a week of Mario Wonder. What we as a society needed was a tribute to Sonic 4.

Guess I should play Bloodborne now, eh?

A delightful bundle of chaos with a lot of good levels but only a few truly great ones. And while you commend Nintendo for having almost an infinite number of ideas they only use once, there's so many cool ideas in here they only scratch the surface with. Still, if these are the only complaints to be made - you've got a pretty darn great game.

A genuinely delightful slice of arcade goodness, that acts as a nippy stealth experience in single player and an unhinged mess of chaos in co-op.

Did I just give this the same score as FF16? It would seem so.

Arkham Aslyum combat with swords - and for the most part it works!

A bit short and has a few wonky difficulty spikes, but there's enough confidence and swagger that with a bigger team and budget a sequel would fix most of the problems I have.

The most intentionally jankiest game executed to perfection, matching the unrelenting and uncompromising energy of Ren & Stimpy/Earthworm Jim with a soundtrack straight from the Amiga 32CD (but good).

Complete fucking insanity. All hail Peppino.

Like Jet Set, BRC nails the aesthtic, the tone, the vibe and the attitude.

Also, like Jet Set, BRC is better in concept than execution.

A truly wonderful idea for a puzzle game that unfortunately never feels like it fully explores the mechanics to their fullest potential. Also, the story feels like one of the more hamfisted attempts to drive a sense of why the player is pushing forward, with some excruciating dialogue and performances.

All of this means the game just keeps its head above the water on concept alone, and when Viewfinder gets to shine it fucking dazzles with some of the puzzles - often in that TOTK/multiple ways to skin a cat style of puzzle-solving. I just wish it had more of that through its short campaign.

The decision to remove all elements of combat is a noble one, but the game desperately needs something in replacement of it - and that replacement never comes.

Endlessly charming but very much designed for a younger audience in mind.