27 reviews liked by lovelaika

On the one hand, this is maybe the worst RPG I've ever played, a game ostensibly made for kids that's also incredibly cruel to the player at every turn. Every resource from MP and items to XP and money is too scarce and too tightly controlled so that you can't lessen the difficulty curve by grinding - and even if you do manage to gain an extra level or two, the enemies will just scale up. The repetitive battles quickly become gruelingly long and can easily spiral out of control if you make any mistakes. Missed inputs on the insufferable Elite Beat Agents QTEs are punished way too severely. And attacks randomly miss all the fucking time, particularly early on, because for some incomprehensible reason the "attack" and "defense" stats in what was pitched as the Sonic equivalent of the beginner-friendly Mario RPGs are actually secretly tabletop-style hit and dodge stats. It's completely miserable to play. The hand drawn backgrounds are kinda nice, at least, but they also mean that the world has to be incredibly small with few areas to explore, making the adventure feel uneventful. And, of course, the literally unfinished soundtrack is just the icing on the cake.

On the other hand, my fursona is now immortalized in the IDW comics with the army of duplicate "unique" Chao I save scummed for on stream so that I didn't have to do the QTEs for the special moves anymore. So who's to say if it's good or bad

a lesser person would say "i'm speechless" when reviewing this. i am not speechless. i got the speech.

this is, somehow, really fucking cool. i love experimental and surreal shit, and this is obviously not exactly a "game" but more of an experience. you watch this weird ass footage while INCREDIBLE music plays -- no shit, this is going on my list of the best soundtracks of all time.

i played this purely out of curiosity. i watched a bit of a gameplay on youtube but i wanted to know how it actually controls, like what do you do while watching. basically nothing. but i still think it's something cool. and i must note, if these weren't images of a near naked woman, i would still love it, hell, i'd probably love it more. if it were bad early 2000s surreal cgi, it would be amazing. this is going on my list of "dream games".

i'll probably not watch this all the way through because i honestly don't care but i'm really impressed lol.

Alright it got good after 100 hours




white women ballin in this expansion, if ur a white woman you gotta hop on this is your people

despite being a spin off from what is probably both the longest and most divisive webcomic of all time, hiveswap stands completely on its own as an adorable point and click. but, for fans of the aforementioned beast of a comic, it offers so much cool stuff to think about in relation to the universe, and is a wonderful take on a prequel. if only the future chapters development wasn't cursed by an evil wizard atop a grand tower to take one million years and cause everyone actively working on it to slowly wither away into a dried husk.

There is no such thing as a perfect videogame, but this is the damn closest I've ever seen one get.

konami: slices out a piece of MGS V that has basically identical level design and mission design principles to the rest of the game and sells it before it's done cooking
some dude looking for a take: Ground Zeroes is superior to the Phantom Pain

His custom playlist sprang to life in his ear "city pop hits", nostalgia for a life he had never had, a life that wasn't very good anyway; the future spiralled out before him, a rote, ruinous world, routine until fated death- feared and awaited in equal measure. He took a long smoothe draw of his e-cigar and watched his reflection on the world as it slipped past the window. The closest stop to his target still necessitated a long walk under the baking sun, depending on the day and mood his opinion of the trek varied- sometimes it was pleasant and meditative, other times it was simply dull. He had arrived at his target, He was supposed to be the Big Boss of this operation, that's what it said in the mirror, but he knew he was just the same as everyone else, only he had more paperwork at the end of the day.
"Welcome to McDonnell's, can I take your order?"