Very pleasant story, but pacing is a bit slow and controls start getting in the way after a while.

Well-explored trippy Lovecraftian story, beautiful visuals, puzzles that are challenging enough, and high quality voiceover.

I played the previous versions for many many hours but this update made it too hard for me :(

Great character design and dialogue, inventive gameplay, but it all failed to keep me interested.

Incredible world-building and atmosphere, stunning visual style, plus you get to be a Jedi knight ;)
i started reading SCP because of this.

Good addition to base game's lore 👌

I got to play some more Control thanks to of this 👍 but as I never played an Alan Wake, I didn't care for the story 🤷

It's one of the shortest games I ever played but it was beautiful.

It was fun for a couple rounds but then I got bored with it.

The world is atmospheric and looks great, and the game is weird (the good kind), BUT the controls get in the way a lot (on purpose I guess), and there is LOTS of optional, boring reading.
Maybe I'll watch someone play through this, but I don't want to anymore ¯\(ツ)

It was pleasant to play while waiting for Silksong.

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I loved the theme but I kept dying to a sabre tooth tiger that teleports behind you and rips you apart. Super frustrating.

Good acting, okay gameplay, meh story

The remake doesn't add much to the original game. I started this shortly after playing The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, and was expecting more New Content™ here.