Genuinely a game I think I'll be playing forever. Ever since hitman 1 way back in 2016 I have been hooked and have played every level in this over and over and over again, especially for 1 and 2 I know every map there like the back of my hand. Don't have much to add to the conversation for this game but I just love it so much, one of the best sandbox games of all time and I cannot wait for the james bond game. Also freelancer mode kicks ass it is so good

Essentially vampire survivors done better. I think this is kind of the peak of this genre just cause there's nothing that you can add to the depth here. It's fun to put on a podcast or a video or something in the background and play this but it's really nothing special, also the build potential here is really bad, there are objective good and bad characters and not much leeway in what you can do.

I played so so much of last season and barely played this one. I think the improvements were really good but it just didn't feel all that different especially comparing the maps which had like 3 POIs changed. Season is over next week and apparently next season is apocalypse themed which is cool, excited for that fallout collab, but man Fortnite needs to change it up more season to season. They had the massive overhaul of chapter 5 and then had bassicly the same game for like 5 months, changed 3 POIs and added some weapons so we're bassically left with what we've had since like december.

One of the better ubisoft games of the last few years. Watch dogs in general is franchise with so much untapped potential, with great concepts and ideas that aren't fully developed. 2 and legion are great examples of this, with 2 having the whole "hack anything" concept and legion having the "play as anyone" concept, but despite it being undercooked it's just fun. I have no idea why, the stealth is shitty, the combat doesn't feel good, the story is dogshit, but just being in this world with all these abilities is fun. On a replay and after visiting san francisco itself I got to appreciate the world itself much more, despite it not being very accurate geographically to the actual city(in terms of where different places are) just like most other ubisoft games based in real cities, the world is vibrant. Each area feels unique and fun in it's own right. Idk I really like this, I'm the number 1 ubisoft hater but this is just really fun

I love football. It's my favorite sport by far and one of my favorite things period. I also like video games, and the fact that EA is in charge of the only official NFL game and practically the only major football game is an embarrassment and a dissapointment to me and a lot of other people.

Let me start off with the good, and unpopular opinion: Madden, gameplay wise, is amazing. While it isn't a simulation game like EA so desperately wants us to believe, it is very fun and complex. It has it's moments of weirdness, mostly interceptions that should have been caught or vice versa, but all in all it feels very fleshed out. Playbooks are extensive and varied, throwing, catching and running all feel very good. One of my favorite things is how different they make each team feel, just like in real life the ravens aren't going to play the same as the bills or even teams that don't have that "x factor"(not the madden feature, the thing that makes that team special) feel different. One of the big things that is upgraded here is the franchise mode, and I think while the updates here aren't mind blowing since they were just features taken away from the previous maddens then re added, they are still improvments.

Now onto the bad. This is a game without soul. This isn't me blaming the devs since I know it's EA doing this but this feels like a game made by robots, especially when you aren't actually in the field playing the game(which is practically the only good part of this game). Let's start with presentation: it genuinly baffles me how shit this is. Pre game. no matter if it's an exhibition game or a playoff game(it's slightly changed in super bowls but even then it's just a couple different graphics), you get this weird thing of the players just standing awkwardly in a room with led lights and a basic trap beat in the background. Compare it to something like madden 11, where you could see the players come off the bus, commentators would give analysis of the game and of the different player matchups. During the game, you would have crowd noises cheering, which you do have here but it feels so fucking lame and inconsistent, I hear the crowd chanting something around once every five games. Also, the commentary is so boring. It's been the same for 7 YEARS, same people, same voice lines, istg if I hear "OH AND HE FAKES IT!" one more time I'm going to lose it. There is so much more to the presentation I hate but I can't fit it all in one review. The one last thing I do want to talk about presentation though is the SHITTY ASS MENUS. I cannot believe how a game this major on the PS5 has menus this slow. I know this sounds like a nitpick to people who haven't played, but trust me navigating any menu, main, franchise or any other menu in game is a nightmare.

One of the reasons I feel there is no soul to this game is the lack of features. There is a list of over 70 features missing from previous maddens, ranging from fun silly things like setting the prices for concessions in franchise mode to big things like create a team. Putting aside MUT which I have never and will never touch, the only things you can do here is franchise, superstar, and normal matches. To start, franchise is franchise. There is a bunch of shit missing, scouting is still shitty, but all in all its fine, like I said it's better here than 23 although that's not a very high bar. Superstar is what replaces face of the franchise from last year and it's exactly the same just with even less story or content. First of all, NO trading?? What the fuck? Second of all though literally there is NOTHING to this mode. All you do is create a player(who may I add you can't even play as any position you want to), do the combine which I admit is pretty cool, then get drafted to a team for four years and have to stay with that team, and you just play games. It is also very very easy, I'm on all pro playing on simulation as a wide receiver and I've already gotten MVP, x2 rookie of the year, offensive player of the year x2, won the super bowls, beaten the overall record of receiving yards in my rookie season, and have average like 300 yards a game. There is genuinly nothing to this mode, not even basic interviews and stuff like in franchise.

After all that though I still have hope. Not in madden, I think it's gonna continue being shitty until the NFL realise they're missing out on a shit load of money when they sign an exclusive deal, but my hope is in CFB 25. I genuinly haven't been this excited for a game in years, and from everything we've seen, and the amount of time it's taken to develop, this might be something special. I'm cautious ofc since it's still EA, but I have hope. Also despite all my criticisms of madden, I rated it 1.5 cause it's still fun as hell to play, I think gameplay wise there isn't much you can improve, it't just everything aside from it sucks balls.

This fucking game is the reason I haven't been playing anything else. One of the best MP games of all time, argue with the wall

Mediocre, underwhelming and overrated. Don't give enough of a shit to explain why

Minor Spoilers Ahead

An ending can really ruin a game for you, and this is exactly the case with Black Mesa. I think Crowbar Collective have a great understanding of how to do remakes, but cannot make their own original content.

The problems started before escaping the lab into Xen. The game starts to put mind numbingly easy puzzles like the teleporter puzzle and useless back tracking. However, this, for the most part, is fine. When you enter Xen however, the problems arise. Up until that point the game has perfect pacing, and it grinds to a halt in Xen. It is all just monotonous platforming and puzzles and occasional boring, open space combat. This is only made worse by the chapter after xen, Interloper, which is even longer and has even more mediocre platforming and puzzles with little combat. I genuinly felt like my brain was smoothening while playing, it felt like playing one of those roblox obbys or something. The final boss sucks too, why the fuck is there no music? Also to finish off with the criticisms, this game was buggy as HELL. I had crashes in the double digits, consistent frame rate issues, save issues, UI issues, practically everything you can think of. Technically this game sucks.

The reason I have the score as high as I do despite criticizing it so much, is that the first 8 or so hours are AMAZING. If it had ended at the Lambda core, this would be an easy 4/5. I didnt connect with the story, maybe cause I didn't really understand it, but the gameplay was fantastic.

Fuck this game's ending

Been playing so many bullshit games, so fun to play a real ass game like this. I'll jump straight to it: Risk of rain 2 is fantastic. I have played a lot of roguelikes and somehow never gotten around to this one, and man do I regret not playing this earlier. What Hopoo have delivered here is amazing, and this might be in my top 3 rogue likes of all time.

As generic as it sounds, what makes this game great is not necessarily the individual parts, but that they make a whole greater than it's sum. Every single mechanic or effect feeds into each other, and that builds up a principal which allows you to break the game, which is exactly what the devs want. Each loop will be different, and trying to go specifically for a type of build will reduce your enjoyment of the game. This is what differentiates ROR2 from other roguelikes and makes it great; the wackiness. Comparing this to spelunky 2, for example. As much as I love spelunky 2(and I love it a lot, it's one of my favorite games of all time), a lot of it's runs, especially in the early game, are very similiar. ROR2 on the other hand, by level 3 you'll have some kind of build you have in mind for this run and your focus will be on attaining as much bullshit items to make that build possible.

Another core aspect that makes this game as fun as it is, is the class design. Never in a roguelike have I seen different classes designed so well. I loved playing almost every character, and each one felt COMPLETLEY different, so much so it felt like a different game.

You may have noticed I haven't gone in depth into anything I've said here, since this game is just so special I do not want to spoil anything. A couple of other things I want to mention: Soundtrack is fantastic, Survivors of the Void is fantastic too, and adds so much cool shit, the game runs well but I did see a fair amount of dips, and fuck loader mains.

Man this was fun. I didn't have very high expectations for this, as usally as a puzzle game fan, I'm disappointed, but this was so much fun!

Starting off with the story, I think the premise was very interesting but surprisingly did not carry the game at all. It's very plot oriented which I did not really expect, but it was fun nonetheless. The main problems I had with the story(and the game) was the very, very weak writing and voice acting. The writing was MCU level. with expository annoying dialogue and characters. The voice acting is more of a personal gripe as I really hate the video-gamey ass VA in games, yuri lowenthal's character is a great example of this. Plot-wise though, the game is very strong. Despite me knowing that some kind of twist was going to happen every time a twist happened, I had no idea what they were and the twists always made sense and were deserved. The ending is great, and for such a cool premise with lots of potential places to go, it explored it quite well(as well as it could in the 5 hours it took me to beat it). The ending was very satisfying, and I really have 0 complaints about the plot. I mentioned the characters being annoying and that is true for Trevor and Angela, the two main characters of the game, but again, they're just basic video game characters, without too much depth, so while it sucks, it isn't super out of the ordinary. The villain was pretty great, very hate able but also believable. Theme-wise I also did not expect for it to be this strong, exploring themes of personal identity, privacy, corporate greed and others which I can't exactly say for spoiler reasons.

Gameplay wise this wasn't the most amazing thing ever, but it more than did the job. There were a few clever puzzles, and all the other one ranged from "kinda sucks but it's not that long so it's fine" to good puzzles, nothing really stood out but nothing was horrendous. What carries the gameplay is the visual design though: the striking 70s style of everything, the different environments in the city, the character designs, there aren't any games I can point at and say they look like American arcadia. There were a few platforming sections and they were alright despite having some kinda clunky parts. I do feel like the game could do so much more with the puzzles though, the mix of platforming and controlling the environment is so fucking cool and I hate that most of the puzzles resort to "make sure guards don't see you".

In terms of everything else, the game ran ok but with some weird fame drops occasionally. The length I feel was just right, most puzzle games overstay their welcome but this was a perfect length. I would love to see a sequel, and recommend this game. Only reason I have it at 3/5 and not 3.5/5 is the writing and VA, without that, this would be an easy 3.5/5, but with such lazy dialogue at times and the annoying VA I can't quite put it at that. Despite that this is a very fun time and am for sure going to check out whatever this studio does next

Don't really feel like talking about this too much. Basically one step forward, one step back from 1. For every improved survivor AI, there's a clunky combat. I know this sounds harsh but this really just drained me somehow, despite only being like 13 hours, was really not feeling this one like the first one. I kind of see what people like it, but man it's not for me

All they had to do was make more ghostrunner, and they failed.

I wasn't too hyped for this one; I really liked 1 and had a fun time with it, but didn't really see a point in a sequel and the broken demo half confirmed my fears. The game, in my eyes, had to prove it's existence and it did not.

Starting off with the positives. The core swordplay and the dash/slow time ability is as fun as it was in the first game. The motorcycle(which, I will talk about soon) fundamentally did control pretty well, there were some bosses that were pretty good and I really liked the shadow ability and the push ability and that's about it for positives.

Where the fuck do I start? Maybe the level design. One more level decided to go for much more open-ended levels in this, with more enemies and more space. This idea fails at the concept stage: Why would a one hit kill type game work in a vast environment with enemies that are spaced out? Almost all levels that aren't the bike missions and the last two missions are dampened heavily just because of that. Adding on to the level design, almost all of the game is either a parkour level or a combat level, and the two barely mix which is an insanely weird design decision that is done for no understandable reason.

One of the worst parts of this game are the enemies. They introduce a new faction(I think? Wasn't interested in the lore at all) which led to more types of enemies that were for the most part straight dogwater. For example the chain enemy, who has two chains Iron Man 2 style that he hits you with. Cool idea for an enemy, but it is absolutely ruined because the chains themselves, which is what matters to your hitbox, is red, which is ALSO the color that it leads behind in a visual trail, meaning you can not distinguish what will hit you and what won't, which led to a lot of frustrating deaths trying to udnerstand what the fuck is up with this enemy. In general the enemy indication is abysmal in this game, another example of this being a boss which is a giant robot thing with 3 "Modes" with different attack patterns. Not to get into this too much, but every mode has some sort of thing where you can't know if he's going to attack or not before it's too late, and you're already dead. Enemy reactions are also sometimes bugged, where they would just freeze and do nothing or teleport to me and insta kill me.

In terms of gameplay this is such a downgrade from 1. I think a main theme I see in all of the gameplay is how much it's inspired by Doom Eternal. Like doom, it constantly introduces new ideas, new abilities, new enemy types etc. However what it fails to understand is that Eternal weaved all of these mechanics together to make the game greater as a whole, while this game not only throws away most of the ideas the level after they're introduced, but is not greater than the sum of it's parts. It's shallow, and a lot of these ideas are also boring. Who cares if I need to throw a thing at a wall before grappling to it? It's not like I'm under any pressure.

Leaning to the technical side, the game is a mess. I have a 2060, which is well above minumum specs and almost at recommended, but the game was struggling hitting 50 fps a lot of the time. The game also looks worse than 1. A lot of the lighting and art design is more bland, city levels aren't as differentiated as the first one. It is also BUGGY AS HELL. I encountered so many bugs, from visual to game breaking(mostly the latter). Bugs where an enemy would keep flickering, bugs where the entire level would just dissapear, pop in that wasn't just visual. The game is clearly a mess and needs some patching.

You might have noticed that I said "most of the time" quite a bit in this review, and that is because I was talking about two exceptions to the stuff I said. One is great and one is terrible: The sand mission and the last 2 missions. Starting off with the sand mission, the game puts you on a giant map with three different areas of interest that you need to do to finish. You have your motorcycle to get around although the game forces you to get off at times, even when you aren't doing one of the three missions. This part is dogshit. There is no reason for it to be open world; you literally just use the world as a place to get from one mission to another, there's no exploration or anything. The missions are also terribly designed with some of the worst puzzles in the entire game, where the game poses it as a puzzle but all you have to do is flip a switch, I am not exaggerating. Also, it drags on for way too long and is super unnecessary. On the other side of the coin are the two last(technically the two last before the last level which is just a final boss that is the worst boss in the game and is based on RNG for some reason) levels where it seems like different devs took over or something because practically most of my issues were fixed. They combined parkour and combat, the new ideas they introduced(most notably the wingsuit) were not only great on their own but smartly integrated with both combat and parkour, the puzzles were great although I solved one by breaking it accidently, the level design was unique and complimented the combat, it was great. I was considering bumping the score half a point higher just because of those last two levels but the final boss really soured it and honestly, I think it deserves this rating.

Do not play this game. The only reason I can see you would want to play it is if you REALLY, and I mean REALLY want more ghostrunner. The game is a downgrade from the first and such a bad experience. Really the only thing that could have made it even worse is if it overstayed it's welcome, which it didn't thankfully.

This game, aside from the nemesis system, has nothing. No original ideas, just a boring ubisoft-type game with no soul. Some of the most mind numbing combat of all time, almost as bad as something like arkham, where you just mash the left and right mouse buttons and you win a fight. The nemisis system is probably my only pro, and it is quite a big one. I love dynamic storytelling in games, and the nemesis system does it well, fuck WB for patenting it so it couldn't be used on games not as boring as this one. Nothing atrocious, you'll have a fun enough time if you just wanna turn your brain off for a stupid open world game, but even for that year, ubisoft made a much better open world game with wildlands. Maybe this is cooler as a LOTR fan, but this game made me feel nothing, which is the worst thing a game can do.

Capcom can do anything. If there's two things I hate in the world it's visual novels and anime and capcom somehow made an anime visual novel that I loved.

The games involves 4 cases plus 1 bonus case and the gameplay doesn't consist of much. There is no gameplay at all during the investigation part of the game and the trial part only has a little bit of gameplay, with choosing the evidence to present and choosing the correct statement to press, but this is, of course, a very story oriented game. The gameplay is fine for what it is, especially as this is the first installment in a series, and I know the gameplay gets better over time.

And boy is that story good. Been playing a lot of games lately with more of a character focus, especially the protaganist, and it was a nice change of pace to have a balance of plot and characters. Phoenix wright was a cool character, and the other vast amount of side characters are masterful, with the villains being so punchable. A lot of the characters are quite over the top which I at first was kind of iffy about, but it ended up growing on me. The cases are very cool. So many twists and turns that feel earned and very intriguing cases.

My one flaw with this is, actually an entire case, that being case 5. As you can see I started it two weeks ago, it took me two weeks to beat a 20 hour game because the last case was 10 HOURS. I kept on delaying playing it, and when I finally did get around to it, it was a slog. The case is so drawn out which sucks, because the case itself is great and probably the second best in the game. However length of one case can only bring this down so much, and this is still an AMAZING time, which I highly recommend

this is a stupid fucking game for babies