Very fun football game. I don't play mobile games or anything but this was completely addicting.

There are some cons that hinder the game like for example the dynamic difficulty, which is the default, makes you never progress since whenever you're having a winning streak it will bump up the difficulty by a ton and make you lose, which leads to losing fans, which by the way is another problem: why is it that even if I win every single game in a season but then lose one my fans go down by like 10%? Another minor gripe I have with it is the ranking of the teams, the steelers for example are NOT a 3 star team.

Aside from that though this is masterful. I got this with apple arcade and it has taken dozens of hours of my life, fantastic game for both one game sessions and long sessions. Great difficulty if you're on hard, and a very fun team management aspect.

Pretty bad. I guess it achieves what it wants: being a retro cyberpunk fps but it has nothing new to offer and not only that, but the mechanics that it has are all done badly. The wall running is awkward and you’re never really confident in how far you can go, the slide is laughable, you slide like 2 feet. The shooting does feel pretty ok however the game doesn’t nudge you into playing in any fun way, so I just played in slo mo 70% of the time since it’s such a common resource. Alone this probably is better, however compared with the shooters it clearly borrowed from like ghost runner or doom eternal this is ass.

Oh also I encountered a game breaking bug that didn’t allow me to finish the game, so I technically haven’t beaten it.

Another game that worked till it didn't lol. The game stopped working around halfway through, but I've already played this so I know the game. Honestly, this replay, while I enjoyed it, showed a lot of flaws in the game. The clue searching is awful, the interviewing is super easy but sometimes you have no idea if to press doubt or lie. However, I really enjoyed the vibe of the game. Driving through 40s LA, solving crimes. Even if the mechanics weren't that polished, the game is really fun and I hope this gets a sequal

It's what it strives to be: a nice homage to the splinter cell series. I have several gripes with it, like it being WAY too easy until enemies can see you through walls, and it was straight up easier to gun everyone down which should not be encouraged in a stealth game. I'm not gonna harp on it too much, because its a short, sweet experiance and is just a nice little homage.

I'm going to be honest, I did not really enjoy this. The story started off strong and kept up pretty well until around 2 hours where they started throwing a bunch of character names that I have never heard of/didn't remember, and confused me with weird plot decisions, although in terms of plot twists this is pretty strong. The story was for sure not the problem with this game, the problem was the combat: the combat in this game is genuinely some of the worst combat I have ever experienced in a game.

For starters, none of the battle styles felt satisfying at all. I stuck with brawler for all of the game, just cause that's the one that sucked the least. Rush felt way too fast, and was bassicly impossible to land a hit against enemies that weren't playing beast mode because even if it was fast, you would do a sidestep to a random place, not where your stick was aiming. Beast was fucking terrible, the attacks did the same/less damage than brawler while its supposed to be the tank style, and the weird counter think that replaced a block didn't work for half of the enemies and even for the ones it did, I needed to do it at a super specific angle(which also applies to block for any battle styles). The dragon style is useless early game, and even if you upgrade it, its just meh. The beast did a good amount of damage,and sidestepping is pretty fast but blocking sucked, as it did in general. The enemies kept breaking my block immediatly, even with a FULLY UPGRADED skill tree, and it was slow as shit. If you want to play this game, play brawler and just get a lot of healing items and tank it out. avoiding attacks is useless and you're better off playing this while constantly healing. Lots of other issues with the combat too: Heat moves were WILDLY inconsistent in terms of damage, combat bugs where the enemy would dodge into a wall and then get stuck, constant knock downs from certain enemies where you have to spam x to get back up just to name a few. At best(when your brawler is fully upgraded and you're just spamming the same combo), the combat is boring and at worst, the combat makes me want to unalive myself.

Another thing I despised about this game is the boss fights. Just like the combat, this is some of the worst boss fights I have ever experianced in a game. I won't give too many examples for spoiler reasons but some bad boss fights are: one where the guy has 3 health bars(first major boss in the game) and keeps on knocking you down, one where there are three guys that keep on dropkicking and shooting you and attack you at the same time so you cannot attack them, one(that was actually very easy) where the guy has 6 HEALTH BARS and is just monotonous. Oh also did I mention all bosses have heal themselves at random(for the most part), and usally knock you down right before you do that? Isn't that so fun and epic?

Aside from that though its pretty cool. Substories are fantastic as usual, side content aside from stories are ok, although not as good as other games in the series. Story, as mentioned before, is pretty strong and even the ending is ok and emotional. The game has weirdly inconsistent graphical quality, like for example the cutscenes vary from beautiful cinematic cutscenes like in 0 to pixelated garbage in some in game cutscenes (usally in substories though).

Do not recommend playing this game aside from if you're doing a full playthrough of the series, and even then I highly recommend just watching a recap.

I enjoyed this. VERY flawed game but honestly, as weird as it sounds to say this about a ubisoft game, this is underated. First off, this game is a TERRIBLE splinter cell game, however judging it based on what it is instead of it's name, this is very enjoyable. The stealth... exists in this game and I usally just played a mix of stealth and action. It's a power fantasy, and I was playing on the hardest difficulty which didn't allow me to go full action but full stealth isn't really an option. The game keeps on introducing half baked ideas which it'll throw out in the next level(or use it like one more time), but that's fine. The weapon progression is dogshit. there's barely any upgrades to your guns and even the upgrades there are feel useless. I loved the different levels, a lot of variety in location of the levels, and it being set in DC was so cool, funny how two of some of the best representations of DC in video games is by ubisoft. The gadgets were kinda cool, the story was surprisngly really good until the end. Don't want to spill into spoiler territory, but the game just straight up spoils a big twist at the end with a flash forward(which lasts a couple seconds) and then just reverses that twist when it does eventually happen, for no apparent reason. The writing was pretty strong, and I felt invested throughout, although the ending was pretty stupid.

This was like 6 hours, it's in and it's out and nothing more to it. I had a lot of fun with this and honestly recommend the game, even though it has a million flaws, both little and big

Disclaimer: This is for the first 2 acts of the game. I did almost everything in those first two acts that was available to me. I chose wait to play act 3 till it gets fixed, so this review is for the first two acts.

Wow. This is genuinely one of the best games I have ever played. As stupid as this sounds and as overused this comparison is, this feels like a yeezus moment. Something so far ahead compared to everything else, where it just blows your mind on how much effort and time was spent on it. If I could describe this game in 1 word it would be Beeg, very very beeg. Before playing this I was on a gaming rut for about a year, where all I really wanted to play was the same old multiplayer games and nothing else, this completley changed that.

To start actually talking about what makes the game great I'll touch on the story. I fucking hate fantasy. I can probably count on 2 hands the pieces of media that are in the fantasy genre that I enjoy, and I need an extra finger for Baldur's gate 3. So to say this setting and world not only intrigued me, but fascinated me and pulled me in, is a feat of it's own. Every character here feels so fleshed out, and reacts accordingly to your actions. What elevates the story from really good to amazing is the amount of dynamism in the story. Your own story can be entirely different from someone else's, depending on what you do both dialogue wise and gameplay wise. Wether that be killing a certain character, romancing a certain character, stealing from someone, it all affects the narrative, in both minor and major ways.

Before I touch on gameplay, I do want to shout some other things out. First of all, the visuals are fantastic. Amazing facial models, world design is spectacular, the different clothes for each character are fantastic. Also, the sound is amazing. The voice acting has so much weight and emotion, something you very rarely see in games. The music is great, and the sound design is very crisp. The side quests are also fantastic, I would honestly compare them to Witcher 3 side quests in their depth.

However, what makes this game what it is is the gameplay. Nothing compares to this in terms of gameplay. The last time I played a game where I fucked around and experimented this much was MGS 5, and with all respect to that game, the options available there pail in comparison to Baldur's gate. I haven't encountered something I wasn't able to do in this game. I would recommend for anyone playing this to change their mindset specifically for this game. Video games have conditioned us to think "there's no way THIS is possible so I won't try it" and this should not be how you think when you play this game. Where do I start? Maybe the fantastic combat, which also I HATE turn based combat, and the amount of fun I had with the combat here was astonishing. I personally played as a rogue assassin, and while in the earlier game my friend who had chosen a wizard was more successful in terms of combat, in the late game it payed off for me when I was one shotting enemies without being detected. The intractability and experimentation that I mentioned earlier is carried over to the combat with things varying from throwing a water bottle on the ground then using a shock spell to make the entire floor a trap, to stuffing a backpack full of explosives and then throwing it at a group of enemies making a mini nuke. There are so many other things you can do but I suggest for anyone reading this to try stuff for themselves and not read online about what you can do, cause every time I discovered something new(which was very often)it blew my mind. Outside of combat, exploring and talking to different people was super enjoyable. I was a sneaky little rogue as mentioned earlier so I was always trying to pickpocket people, which sometimes landed me in hot water.

I do not remember a time in my playthrough where I did not enjoy the game. In terms of flaws, aside from act 3 which I cannot talk about, I don't really remember any. No real bugs or glitches, no annoying moments. The one thing I would maybe point to are the boss fights. They aren't terrible but aren't amazing either, most of them just feel like a fairly standard fight.

In conclusion, this is the best game of the year, it would be the best game of the decade so far if not for factorio, and one of the best games of all time. Doesn't matter if you like RPGS or don't, you need to play this game.

Man I thought I would enjoy this more. The splinter cell series is one of my favorites. When I was younger I replayed the original trilogy, especially 1 and pandora tommorow, so many times. A lot of the time when I do go back to revisit games that I loved during my childhood I still enjoy the game, even if it's purely based off nostalgia. This introduction probably makes you think I didn't enjoy the game which is not true at all, and also why my score is high. However, revisiting this game was not as fun as I thought it would be.

To get into my complaints, I have to say that some of the issues I had were technical issues, which honestly except the stupid tank controls, I don't mind, especially as this is a game from 2005. However, there were some issues with it, even comparing it to something like pandora's tommorow, which hindered my experiance. First of all the levels. They ranged from genuinly amazing, to terrible. The 2 missions before the last mission especially are very, very bad. I played this on expert and did a 100% ghost playthrough which took a lot of patience, but honestly wasn't too hard except for the ending of bathhouse, which was TERRRIBLE. You're forced into an action sequence, with enemies one-shotting you and apparently gaining night vision? You're never sure when they're shooting at you or the other faction until it's too late, and shooting enemies reduces your score, so apparently the game wants you to stay quiet. Other complaints are it not being clear at all where you can shoot a light, and the thing is, not only do you waste ammo when you miss, you automatically get put into combat, even if there are no enemies near you. Lots of bugs, but again I won't complain about those because it's a 2005 game. However I think my main problem from the game stems from it's repetitiveness. You go into a room, shoot out the light, take out the guard, and repeat 20 times. The game sometimes throws some cool new ideas and mechanics like the bombs that auto explode if you get near them, but they don't do enough with them where it legitimately changes your experience. I wouldn't necessarily count this as a complaint, but I think this game, and a lot of other games, could benefit from a fear system. Mark of the ninja did this very well, and the arkham games had it and it was cool there(although the gameplay in that game is not fleshed out at all). Would be a very interesting concept to have the guards be more alert and trigger happy as they start noticing things like the lights going out, or their friends disappearing. This could raise the difficulty, which I think can help cause I found this game way too easy at times.

Despite all this I did enjoy myself. This is a really good game, and very influential. There's nothing like putting your night vision goggles on, hearing that sound and then knocking out an enemy. The light mechanic is amazing, and still hasn't been topped to this day. The dialogue is something that stood out to me on this replay, especially as I didn't really understand it as a kid. It was so fun to hear Sam interrogate and use stupid jokes on the guards, or hear the guards talking about prince of persia or something. The story is goofy but that's fine. The levels which are good, are GOOD. The bank, the security office thing, all levels that are expertly crafted.

Overall while I did feel disappointed in my replay to realise the game wasn't as good as I remember it being and all the internet says it is, it's still a fucking blast and some of the most innovative stealth games of all time. I wish we got another entry or even a remaster of this, ironing out the issues I pointed out earlier.

Not what I expected from this game. I thought it would be a couple hour romp full of jump scares and shit, but it ended up being a narrative driven character study. I did not expect to be this invested in this story but the way Ellis was written, it was hard not to.

Without spoiling anything, the game revolves around Ellis, a veteran police officer investigating a missing child in a forest. I absolutely love the original movie, and was curious to see what it would do. The game is set a few years after the movie, and there aren't a lot of ties to it, and there aren't even that many easter eggs or stuff that only people who watched the movie would get, aside from the whole gist of the blair witch, which isn't really even explained in the movie. Anyway, the game really does encapsulate the feeling of the movie, delving into the giant forest, and getting lost. I would have liked some more time in the daylight to establish the game, as the game sort of gets dark(literally) quite fast. I'm not gonna speak too much on plot details but the plot did hook me, even though I could see the major twist coming from a mile away. The ending too, is quite satisfying, both the good and bad endings. The story is told through various means, phone calls, video tapes, hallucinations etc. and they all work well together to tell the story without giving away too much(most of the time). Something I appreciated about the game was how it didn't insult the player's intelligence. Aside from a handful of moments where Ellis would just straight up say what's going on, without you being able to figure it out, the game relies on you to understand what's happening through context clues, which I like. Ellis as a protagonist is great, all be it sometimes generic. Another thing I would like to applaud about Ellis is the talking to himself part. Something I hate about games is characters talking to themselves. Not only does it not make sense in most games, but a lot of the commentary is lackluster and annoying, disconnecting you from the character. This is especially annoying in first person games when you are supposed to be one as the same with the character. Ellis talks to himself quite a lot in this game, but it makes sense and also most of his self-dialogue is necessary. At various points at the game Ellis would say something word-for-word as I was thinking it, which is very very impressive. VA was also pretty good, Ellis being a highlight while the "carver" was a low point, a lot of the time sounding cartoonishly evil. Some criticisms of the story are: Some story threads were sort of half baked like the grocery store thing, or Ellis potentially beating his wife, which was mentioned like once. Also, the switch up Ellis has on Lanning after a certain point in the story makes no sense to me. He goes from hating his guts and not following any of his orders to suddenly being sympathetic.

The story, no doubt, was strong, however there is other components to this game which I think fall flat ridiculously. The combat, if you can even call it that, is pathetic. It appears I think 5 times in the game, and each time I could have done it asleep. The combat consists of looking at your dog to see where hes barking at, shining your flashlight at that area, and repeating. Same thing goes for the puzzles. The puzzles are terrible, and compared to contemporaries like resident evil, they are pathetic. It's not even worth talking about just because they aren't of note at all. The only time in the game where a puzzle had slightly involved me was during a sequence with a cart, where a glitch happened where my dog got stuck trying to give me something for a puzzle which I couldn't pick up which was frustrating. There's the whole tape thing, which is a fairly cool concept but is so underutilized it's crazy, they boil down to only being a story telling device towards the ending portion of the game. All this leads me to the question: why was all this in the game? While yes the argument could be made that the game is already quite lean as it is and cutting it down would lead to it being shorter, is that really a bad thing? I understand if they didn't have time to fully flesh out the various mechanics, so why not completely remove them and turn it into a straight up walking sim?

Now as a horror game it isn't super successful. The game, while creepy, failed to scare me for the most apart, the exception being the great last chapter but even that wasn't super scary. The game is very atmospheric, and as I said in the intro to this review, I see it as more of a character study than a horror game. Ellis's PTSD and trauma haunts him, and maybe the true monsters were the people?????
Seriously though, the depictions of PTSD were quite interesting, although I never had the feeling of "is this real or not" as the game seemed to want me to have. In terms of visuals, the game is quite great aside from some of the animations and models in the tapes looking off, although thats quite a minor nitpick for a game that does overall look very good. The sound design is also something I wanted to shout out. While a little too much at times, especially when you're walking in the forest and theres like a million different sounds, the sound design contributes to the overall atmosphere of this game and is a huge plus.

Overall though I would recommend this. While not doing everything it sets out to do, and failing as a horror game, for a 4 hour spooky experience with a great story, this is worth it. Not the scariest game you'll ever play, not the best game youll ever play, hell not even the best bloober team horror game that came out that year you'll play, but a worthwhile, enjoyable experience.

Man, I don't know. With games like these there is so little to say that hasn't been said already, especially in the praising area. Yes, this is one of the best survival horror games of all time, yes the story is the perfect amount of cheesy, and the gameplay is great and everything, but for some reason I did not connect with it as much. Usually I'm able to distinguish why I don't like a game(almost always the flaws in that game), but this game is fairly flawless. I was considering giving this a higher rating just out of respect, but I feel like this score more reflects what I think. I mean a 4/5 is phenomenal in my book, and absolutely a must play, and all of this is said in the perspective of people talking about it as if it's a top 10 game of all time(which I'm not denying). I do have some qualms with the game but they aren't necessarily relevant to why I didn't enjoy this game as much as I wanted to, but I still had a great time, even if I was disappointed by the insane expectations I had.

Civilization V is in my top V(get what I did there?) games of all time, and that set a super high standard for VI. After years of going through phases with the game, and recently picking up the platinum edition on my new steam account(old one got hacked) after a long time of not playing, I decided I'd start playing it again and man was I not disappointed.

First let me touch on DLC. I went an awful long time without playing this game with the DLC and that was a mistake. While all the leader packs are optional and are there if you want them, the two main things you need are the expansions. Both rise and fall and gathering storm are great expansions adding tons of new content that completely transforms how I play the game. It's not quite the drastic difference CIV 5 vanilla had vs with expansions, but it's still a big difference.

Civilization VI in my opinion does almost everything a sequel needs to do: take a game and make every aspect of it better. Of course there are areas where this hasn't happened like the difficulty, which feels reduced from V, but all in all do not let snobs tell you otherwise: this is an improvement. V was much more bold though, seeping away in new directions and experimenting with the tried and true formula, however that is not a criticism, as VI improved on that formula.

I'm not going to give a full breakdown of the game mechanics, because this would be college essay level long, but overall all components feel great. Combat feels great, especially when you're more advanced than another civ and wipe them out with units from an era later, and feels very "grand". On higher difficulty levels you can't simply throw whatever units you have on a city and have it annexed, you need to think ahead.

My main issues though, as usual for Civ games, the AI. The AI, even after all this time and all these updates, still feels broken. Their trade offers are ridiculous, they'll get mad at you for stuff they did to you, they'll declare wars for not having enough naval units, they are bad. I don't remember one singular time where the AI impressed me in a tactic they had, and that really disappoints me. This of course raises the question of Civ 7, which is already confirmed, and how the AI will function in that game. I really, really hope they improve what they did here because the AI brings it down so much. I also don't like the barebones diplomacy. Civ 5 felt much richer in that sense. While Rise and fall did help that a little bit with the world congress(which feels like the bonus round in mario party half the time), there isn't really anything you can do aside from the basics like trade and declare war with other countries. I wish you could form a secret alliance, joint wars have actual plans etc.

In terms of other stuff, the graphics are great IMO, even as a huge fan of 5. It just feels so lively and cool with all the different details you can see when zooming in close. The sound is alright, the sound effects are cool and the music is too but the sound mixing is awful. Whenever I enter a leader screen and they'll have their unique music, it'll keep playing while I'm in the game for a solid minute before slowly fading away. This is clearly intentional which makes me think: why?

All in all, even if I don't want to say this, you should play this over V right now. There's so many unique systems and features and ways you can go about building your civilization, its astounding, and if VII is half as good as this, we are in for a treat.

If I had a nickel for every time I played a horror game made by bloober team in october 2023 that had a fairly good story but awful gameplay where you play as a male police officer where you try to find a kid, I would have two nickels, which isn't much but it's weird it happened twice.

Observer, generally lauded as Bloober team's best game is a great example of Bloober team's style over substance approach. This game has great visual and audio design, and overall in terms of presentation the game is quite stellar, albeit with a lot of repetition in boring corridors and hallways.

The story starts off ok, with a fairly interesting premise and gets quite interesting around 2 hours in, and completely falls apart towards the end. It's quite ambitious thematically, dealing with trauma, addiction, domestic abuse, poverty, capitalism, with a sort of shotgun method, hoping one theme will stick. However this spreads the story thin with every theme approached being quite shallow, and the game has nothing new to say about any of these. The worst offender though is the overplayed, annoying "humans are the real monsters" point, with the monsters being robots, this being alluded to in the cover of the game too. Without spoiling the ending(whichever one you get) suggests this quite heavily, and not only was it a twist without real meaning or sense to it, but also one for purely shock value. The themes are also quite heavy handed, for example the theme of authoritarianism, one of the keypad puzzles is literally 1984, you cannot make this shit up.

The two strong points of the story are the world and the characters. First off, the world is very very interesting. Out of all the pessimistic cyberpunk worlds, this one seems to be the most realistic. Many of the technology's here are believable, and the history and lore behind a 5 hour game is quite mind blowing. There is a fair amount of attention to detail, and as overused as this word is, the atmosphere is immersive. The characters are all kind of an asshole. There's the protagonist, which is a fairly generic, albeit well-acted police dad character who hates technology and whatnot. There's the son, who thinks he's better than everyone, but has a compelling motive for what he does. The janitor is quite funny, and overall the dialogue and writing is strong, making for quite a cohesive narrative for the middle portion of the game.

The gameplay however is where this game truly fails. I hold the same opinion for blair witch, but they should have just made this a walking sim. The stealth and puzzles are terrible, and make the game flow so much worse. Overall the game design shown here is quite terrible, with certain items/objectives not being in where you would logically think they would be. The game also fails in it's weak attempt at being scary. Blair witch was quite creepy, but observer just jumps in your face occasionally and even with the good sound design has way too much going on to be scary, which it's clearly trying to do.

Despite the narrative being somewhat decent in the middle, this game has little to offer in terms of new stuff. I would recommend to play this if you want a depressing cyberpunk view of the future with a fairly compelling murder mystery plot, but other than that I would not recommend this to anyone, and this makes me nervous for what they're gonna do with silent hill

Not going to give it a score because of it's length.

This is a game I did not know anything about before playing, and I'm glad I didn't. I am a huge stanley parable fan, and have no idea how I only recently learned about this game. It's very, very rare for a game to make you think about life differently, and this is a game that I can say has done that. With anything that's even slightly abstract it's very hard to differentiate between stuff that's meaningful and trash, which this game is no exception. I'm not going to say any more for spoiler reasons and also despite me loving the game, me speaking about it would be me talking about life more, much less of a review. Please play this (after you play stanley parable, they aren't related in any way, but I think it's better that way)

this is a stupid fucking game for babies

Capcom can do anything. If there's two things I hate in the world it's visual novels and anime and capcom somehow made an anime visual novel that I loved.

The games involves 4 cases plus 1 bonus case and the gameplay doesn't consist of much. There is no gameplay at all during the investigation part of the game and the trial part only has a little bit of gameplay, with choosing the evidence to present and choosing the correct statement to press, but this is, of course, a very story oriented game. The gameplay is fine for what it is, especially as this is the first installment in a series, and I know the gameplay gets better over time.

And boy is that story good. Been playing a lot of games lately with more of a character focus, especially the protaganist, and it was a nice change of pace to have a balance of plot and characters. Phoenix wright was a cool character, and the other vast amount of side characters are masterful, with the villains being so punchable. A lot of the characters are quite over the top which I at first was kind of iffy about, but it ended up growing on me. The cases are very cool. So many twists and turns that feel earned and very intriguing cases.

My one flaw with this is, actually an entire case, that being case 5. As you can see I started it two weeks ago, it took me two weeks to beat a 20 hour game because the last case was 10 HOURS. I kept on delaying playing it, and when I finally did get around to it, it was a slog. The case is so drawn out which sucks, because the case itself is great and probably the second best in the game. However length of one case can only bring this down so much, and this is still an AMAZING time, which I highly recommend