(starts beating my chest) aaaaaahhhhh it's good eating ahhh... all the weapons are fun and the "Search Action" / "metroidvania" elements bring it to life, I was grooving with the music and feeling immersed at every moment. Do yourself a favor!

THE most swaggy game on the genesis, accessible and funny and fun. I love how the leveling system calls you different names.

The NES!!! Really!!! Does not get better!!! Than this!!!!! I love the RPG elements even if "new moves" are just you doing the same move faster. Iconic soundtrack.

With a guide (U Can Beat Video Games' video guide!) I really had fun with this. It's really funny having all the Addams Familys give you TNT when you find them.

Got his ass (referring to an incorporeal evil gas leaked into my lungs and trying to rupture me with ancient electricity I can only percieve as lightning but takes a form I cannot truly understand)

I can't say it gets better than this even with two home run sequels and an entire legacy. Peak environment design for a platformer and one of the few games with Big Sprites that's completely playable.

The version of Aladdin made by Disney studio animators and Tommy Tallarico (his mother is very proud of him and she plays this game every day). It's fun enough but it's also one of those games where the camera is really excited and you can easily run into somebody off-screen if you're not moving slow.

I'm so in love with the presentation of this game. I haven't played long enough to where the action stages get more interesting but the overworld sections got really involved in a fun way.

Epic baseball for people who drink too much coffee. Turn the volume up for this one!!!

Let's go on an epic swag adventure. Pick up your favorite gun and download your favorite anime characters onto expertly crafted characters made by a team of artists. Fight back against hordes of the guys from Killer7. If you get hurt, drop everything and do a gangnam style to heal up. Take some Star Wars Vitamins to finish patching up, and watch out for Beavis' attack right around the corner... You'll need all of your wits to make it to the UNSC Pelican waiting to take you back home where you'll rest up before your next adventure. What will tomorrow bring you in the fierce world of Left 4 Dead 2...

This game doesn't lie about being "an intensely 3D adventure". No other 16-bit game can deliver the sights and sounds of Toy Story the first movie the way the Genesis version of this game does. When Woody wins, you win. When Buzz gets stuck in a tire, you get stuck in a tire. When Woody gets his ass set on fire,

Probably the hardest picross game I’ve played. At the same time probably the best one too.

They really don’t make Mario spinoffs this quaint anymore. In fact, they just don’t make Mario Golf anymore. Maybe someday. I love this game (kisses it on the forehead)

I’d really like this to be a home run.