Games that I Cried to

Because I have no shame in being emotional for some pixels.
Spoilers on notes, sometimes.

The devs payed a homage to the Instagram/Facebook page "Birdhism" after they lovebird mascot, Cody, passed away.
Journal pages of the bird on the front like a gossip magazine, made me really really happy and emotional at how cute it was.
I love birds so much...
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Listen, we both know it's about Sakura. THE. GOAT.
Rayman 2: The Great Escape
Rayman 2: The Great Escape
I grew up without having a N64 pak to save in this game (it was the only game that I had that used one lmao), meaning that no matter how much I loved playing it, I usually didnt get far and replayed the early levels a lot. That one really scary level of souls with giant hands that crushed you also didnt help much...
One day, me and my sister, who was 10 years older, settled on actually beating the game and we took the entire day, but we reached the end. At 3 am.
No matter how hyped I was my 8 year old could'nt handle how tired I was and ended up sleeping on the sofa while she was on the final battle. I woke up at my room the other day, probably my mom put me there, and I will never forget running straight to my sister's room, pratically jumping on her bed, and screaming "DID YOU BEAT IT? DID YOU BEAT IT?"
Despite how annoying I was, she calmly said yes and told me how the game ended and I was almost dying at how euphoric I felt that morning.
Around 10 years late a youtube video about the ending is recommended to me and I decide to watch it aaaaaand its completely different to what she told me.
Knowing her she fell asleep too, but I will never forget how emotional the version that she told me was. Included a lot of stuff that I liked about the game (like that whale coming back) and just remembering that, made me very emotional about that one day. Thank you so much sister.
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
That reunion flashback shouldn't have hit as hard...
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Chapter 1 was really really superb and few things will top the conclusion to 4, to me.
Why do I always cry on chapter 4 dude...
I don't remember exactly which ascension fucked me up but I recall feeling emotional af when I lost one final and had to tell with my team that I failed them.
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Carrying Midna while seeking for help and having to infiltrate a city that you're fighting to save while being treate just as another demon was intense, and I had to pause for a while after reaching safety due to how impactful that segment felt.
Something about being too young and freeing that dolphin as a child made me really emotional because it reminded me of my dog that had recently passed away.
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Gundham Tanaka is my favorite character ever and unironically changed my life.
One day I will write about this, but not here...
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Sahz is my fav FF character. Seeing what happened to his son and how Lightning handles it... hit a bit hard.
This is probably the most reserved cry I had on this list and I shit you not its because of Chocolina LMAO.
Every know and then I just get hit by a wave of nostalgia from this one. I remember vividly crying once... but there's gotta be more. It is my favorite game off all time after all.
Persona 3 Portable
Persona 3 Portable
That one Akihiko speech.
You know the one.
The House in Fata Morgana
The House in Fata Morgana
I'm not kidding, this was THE emotional ride for me.
I can recall sobbing like a close friend died in... doors 2, 5, 6, 7 and the finale. Especially the finale omg that destroyed me.
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru: Episode 8 - Twilight of the Golden Witch
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru: Episode 8 - Twilight of the Golden Witch
I managed to pass trough Umineko feeling so emotional and attatched to this cast that when the curtain actually fell, I just couldn't help it.
"Without love it cannot be seen".


1 year ago

That Fata entry is so fucking real

1 year ago

TP entry is so true, best companion ever 😭😭

1 year ago

I'm glad I'm not the only one who got teary eyes during V3's first trial conclusion
Not the first trial of v3 but I definitely got tearyeyed to the 4th trials conclusion, so I'm very glad you mentioned that. Also trial 2 and 5 of danganronpa 2 gets me too sometimes. Also so true to mario galaxy 😭
Personally tho, ffx ending made me bawl my eyes out
That Minecraft entry is so fucking real

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