107 reviews liked by matheus1950

Eu não gosto de hack n slash mas o jogo é legal, deixando registrado aqui que tentei

O inferno é o namoro e o paraíso é o término pois o inferno é doloroso e passageiro mas o paraíso é término assim como a ex

Having to make my own decisions was a terrifying experience. I will never do it again. And before anyone asks, I did it, everyone! I fixed her! (I got the good ending)
It was one of the best visual novels I have ever played. Great voice acting, great story, and the voices in my head are accurate. It's impressive that they are still updating the game, and a big update that'll extend the game by 25% is on its way. It's also not a very long game; I finished it in 5 hours because I took my sweet time and wandered around.
There was a sequence where I refused to continue doing what I was told, and the game shut down after the entity told me, "I will be here when you are ready" or something. I was flabbergasted. Next time I opened the game, that same entity welcomed me, and I continued where I left off.
I just wished that the Voice of the Hero and the Narrator's voice wasn't so identical.
It is truly a unique experience and a must-play.

It is a miracle that I got to finish this brilliant game, and now people can stop bullying me because I haven't played it before.

My rating criteria for this game are games released in 2010 and prior. 
I had so many technical difficulties. Even by the standards of that time, this game has so many bugs that softlock you, tons of crashes, and buggy graphics settings. Also, controls got bugged, and I couldn't press the ESC key at all. I had to Alt-Tab every time to pause the game. These technical problems made me finish the game in a week, in about 25 sessions.

However, the story was intriguing, and the horror elements were used in such an amazing way that I got scared of my own shadow multiple times. The library part was made because they hate us players and they want us to have a heart attack. Plus. I liked the funny Ulman jokes.

Oh, the ending was also crazy! Here is footage of me during the ending!

Indika is a very short (~4hrs) walking game filled with puzzles and thought-provoking dialogue. Oh, the brilliant voice acting in this game... I loved the emotions that the 'narrator' put into his work. The ending leaves you hanging with questions in your mind. There are many scenes where you can't get what's happening because it's confusing or because it happens too fast.
I also want to state that I dissected the game and they animated every scene; characters are moving even when you don't see them in cutscenes or in the game. And the demon is also a part of some cutscenes, but you can't see it. They put real effort into this game. It's sad that it was short.
The downsides were pretty much the optimization and some less-polished parts of the game.

eu amo este jogo!! foi um dos jogos que me fez gostar de videogame, e ano passado tive a oportunidade de jogar com calma e prestando mais atenção na história, na qual acho muito interessante, me diverti muito jogando e estou ansiosa pra jogar the wolf among us 2 e ver como a trajetória do bigby continua.

Admito que senti a queda de qualidade na reta final que todos comentam mas nada que chega a atrapalhar, adorei a área da Fábrica e quem não entendeu odeia Resident Evil, a gameplay e o gráfico são fora de comum, RE Engine arrasa. E não posso deixar de falar como Casa Beneviento é o momento mais tenso de toda a franquia e como o Castelo Dimitrescu é uma das melhores fases em questão de game design também

Ethan Winters é um dos personagens mais fodas dessa franquia, e merece toda a atenção, poucas críticas a essa obra prima, na real anunica que tenho é na área do lago que é ok.

Facilmente um dos melhores Resident Evils

A Cultura nerd precisa ser revisada.

É uma cultura que sequestra obras de arte em um culto egocentrico e excludente. Pessoas resgatam símbolos das obras para se identificarem e vão enaltecer aqeuelus que reconhecem esses símbolos, que conseguem ler as referências e se sentem superiores por conta disso, mais popularmente culturados.
Ready Player Fuck sequestra esses símbolos em uma sátira divertida, engraçada e que não se importa com propriedade intelectual. Usando esses símbolos para mostrar o quão tosco e sem noção é esse imaginário coletivo do nerd boomer, que adora essas imagens religiosamente.

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