this is the first video game i ever played, my childhood nostalgia game. i played only halfway through it as a kid (fuck you stupid snail eyeball level) and lost my gameboy, i found it again 11 years later and 100%ed the game. jesus fucking christ i love this game. the spider. the belching barrel. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

also if you dont like kiddy kong youre legally no longer allowed to have an opinion on video games, sorry

an actual thing i have experienced: snipperclips-adjacent sexual tension

this is the game i use when i am for some reason trying to impress people with my, epic gamer skills. i 200%ed this on switch and PC and every once and awhile i tell someone that and they get really impressed, which honestly makes this game so incredibly worth it. like hell yes, people have actually been impressed by me because of a video game?

oh also the gameplay is also incredibly, incredibly fun in every respect. also obvious comments about how great the art and music are

oh this game is INCREDIBLE, i mean, obviously so, this game's high score and many positive reviews definitely show that im not in the minority in loving this game. but I gotta write about it anyways, because dear god this game is such a great experience. it is definitely one of those games that you get frustrated with once you realize youll never play it again for the first time, and a game that you beg your friends to play so they can experience it too. it is SO cool, so immersive, just so intricately fun to solve and play. the many insane reveals as you fall into these crazy scenes is just, an experience and a half. i love it. indescribable.

yeah it is funny and cute but also theres really not that much to it. i paid $10 for it, splitting the cost with my ex for a total of $20, and i can say that this is not a $20 game. its quite simple and feels a little gimmicky even though it is fun. i would pick it up for maybe $5.

honestly one of my favorite gaming moments ive ever had is when my ex and i played some of this together and spent 45 minutes trying to solve a puzzle. 30 minutes in she gave up but i kept trying and when i solved it the absolute awe in her voice was incredible. the concept for this game is truly brilliant and it is so great to play. some levels feel like hitting your head against the wall but the joy in solving the hard ones is incredible. plus, the atmosphere is so wonderfully lovely, i LOVE baba, i love the style and music of this game a lot.

i really love this game, it is quite fun, but my one gripe is it is... i don't know if too difficult is the right word, but just too hard to get good at. like, i get far in my runs, but i feel like a lot of the time i find myself dying for unsatisfying reasons, or that i've sort of hit a wall in my progression. something i really love about games like hades, enter the gungeon, and risk of rain 2 is i feel like i actually am getting further and better every time (hades especially does this really well) but with this game i really do not feel like im making much progress, i feel like theres some secret to this game that is just unknown to me

my favorite game to just, play, by far, and my most played game (except probably toontown online). i often just start doing a long run of this game just because the gameplay is so satisfying and great. i've collected every achievement at this point. i mute all the sounds and just listen to music and unwind, letting my brain sort of go and just having fun. it is incredibly fun with friends too. i can always find myself getting back into it. this game is so playable and great, it is beautiful with wonderful music and is incredibly satisfying. i really am so happy with all of the entertainment and satisfaction I have gotten from this game.

in my dreams wuhu island is real and i live there

there was this one game where you leaned to the side to hit soccer balls with your head. that was really fun. i think they should make a switch fit plus where they just have that game again a bunch of times

only good thing about this game is forge, in which my friends and i made horrible bases, for instance mine which just had a bunch of vehicles and traffic cones constantly spawning and my friend's which was a giant maze in which you had to crouch through it while he shot at your feet

my mom in her 50s and my internet friends in their 20s send gifts to each other in this game on a daily basis

not to be some sort of shill but i would indeed pay $60 for a nintendo switch port of this and pokepark 2. FUCK skyward sword. FUCK mario sunshine. pokepark

my mom tried to play this and couldn't because the text was too small. shame on you nintendo

i feel like my only problem with this game is like. its unplayable. like, its not UNPLAYABLE, i can play it, but like, i CANT fucking play this game. i cannot make decisions in this game that i feel like are made with any thought behind them. it's ALL guesswork. it's all clusterfuck. its a hilarious enjoyable clusterfuck but my one issue with this game is it actually is just too big brained to be played