16 reviews liked by mbrune

Rain World except I don't constantly want to blow my head off



I'll see someone put the corniest string of words together under a game i like then this kids sad little face will be staring at me on their best games ever throne

Fun fact: 99% of gamblers quit just before they're about to hit it big

makes me feel like an ai artist with all the fucked up hands i'm making

Oh. That's crack. That's cocaine crack drugs on the Steam top sellers list.

Where do I even begin with this game. I was utterly gripped throughout its beautiful prose, distinctly amazing art, and its various plots. Complimenting it all is the subtle, reverb-soaked score that is masterfully composed to work with the game's environment. This is one of the best games I have ever played. In it's minimalist, visual-novel-issue style, it far and away exceeds the writing and worlds of its sci-fi contemporaries. Its utilisation of the most powerful tool of the written text, the reader's imagination, transports your mind into every square inch of Erlin's Eye, and into every synapse of its inhabitants.

The prose of Citizen Sleeper is amongst the best I have ever read, game and books included. Gareth Damien Martin's imagination and their excellency in writing really shines throughout this game. The prose is just the right amount of flowery; painting a vivid world without becoming screeds of indulgence. The dialogue is amongst the best I have seen in gaming. The dialogue is believable and unique. When characters speak, their familiarity with Erlin, and its 'factions' simply exude forth. Their dialogue immerses you into their world, and as the suspension of disbelief commences, you really believe their world and their experiences. Furthermore, the main cast of characters we talk to are not the rogue, space-traversing hero's we might expect. They follow Alien's 'truckers in space' idea of the working class amongst the stars. In the game's exploration of capitalistic greed and anarcho societal structures, we get to talk to the boots-on-the-ground people of this world. We see their exploitation, hardships, formed communities, and their selflessness.

There's more to write about, but I'd rather you just played the game and saw for yourself. Citizen Sleeper is one of the best games I have ever played; it's themes and writing amongst some of the best in gaming. It is so refreshing to see such a thematically rich game in a climate of content-stuffed, triple A duds. I am very excited to see the world of Citizen Sleeper --it's themes, concepts, and characters-- be elaborated upon more in the upcoming sequel.

Ultrakill feels like it was developed entirely in one night by a dude who snorted a bunch of cocaine, kept saying "you know what would be really sick?" and was right every time

It's a perfect recreation of the high school experience, complete with that one friend who's really homophobic for no apparent reason that makes you look back and think "wow that guy really was a massive cunt why did I hang out with him" except everyone is homophobic including you

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