bankino strikes again baby!

im not gonna lie, i dont really like fludd.

the movement is fine i just don't like fludd.

Runs like shit on actual hardware and im so pissed

real gaming for real people

ive tried to get into it multiple times and i just cant. Theres nothing for me to care about story wise because i cant parse anything from it due to me not having my heart fully in it. I feel guilty about not immediately understanding why this is supposed to be a classic game. Gameplay is really good and intricate but i just dont give a shit about Ramza or anyone or anything going on. I dunno man, it sucks because i really love Tactics Advance. Idk what to do. Im sad.

markiplier played this, it looks gas

if someone uses this game to pull up to screen shots to compare to fucking pokemon saying "the nintendo switch has good graphics 😯☝️" ever again, im going to lose my shit, these games arent even comparable in the fucking slightest shut up everyone forever

I gotta play more of this but I like it better than the first one cuz they gave Ori actual attacks and it feels really good.

picked this up as a horny teen but i still think its a pretty fun musou type game but there aint much for me beyond women

Childhood classic!

I go to therapy due to my childhood

more like garten of the battle of waterloo

I cant let myself enjoy anything anymore so i like to go on this website and read negative reviews for games i like as a self flogging shame technique, ultimately ruining the experience for me

This game is pretty fun

i love this video game it make me happy :)