i love how the combat feels in this game and its very nice to look at, bosses are fun but there are a few annoyances as i play it currently

also the fox lady has giant tits good game

hit monster with giant sword and harvest its body to make even bigger sword

why did this game turn into resident evil near the end

its meat boy but with extra sauce and trans rights

one of the first "hard as hell indie games" is probably one of the best still.

unironically been helping me cope with depression i love this game

Woooaaahhh ooooooooooh oooooh

Story of Undertaaaale

resident new blood shill here

game fucks.

gacha shit with botw mechanics

im not gonna lie, i dont really like fludd.

the movement is fine i just don't like fludd.

driving sim for psychopaths

everything in this game is a true story, it happened to me

a game so horrible, i became a furry out of spite

man gets so horny, he slaughters thousands