'The factory must grow' when it grows so big that is harvests the energy of stars (literally). I could not get into this game like I did with Factorio. This is a much more complex game than Factorio and I do not have enough braincells for this kind of game right now. Maybe I will give it a try another time.

"A man like Kane could get us killed" -Bitch ass Strauss.
Few games can depict such gore in extreme levels that it could cause trauma. Just the stroggification process is enough on it's own.
It's good for a nearly 20 year old game.
I hate Strauss. I just hoped that he would turn out to be a Strogg so that I could get the satisfaction of killing his blabbering ass.

Get ready for the game that mixes Wolfenstein, Bioshock, Fallout, and a dystopian/utopian 1950s-era Soviet Union. From characters that fuck robots to the robots that want to fuck you, this is one of the horniest games I have ever played without the game being explicit. Bombshell robot twins that you can undress via mods. Kinky robot fridge Nora that is good at dirty talk to distract her partner from noticing she is a fucking fridge.

This game both exceeded and fell short of my expectations. Even though I don’t like souls-like-esque(?) games, I enjoyed this one.

For a game of this scale, I would expect the environment to interact with the player in a sufficient way, but this was not what I got during the gameplay. Also, there was a 10-minute shader load when I first launched the game. I am not even going to talk about those long ass elevator rides where I can binge-watch The Lord of the Rings.

Oh, did I mention forced constant internet connection? BECAUSE THERE IS! But fret not! They compensate this with long and boring formal dialogue filled with complex terms uttered by a creepy robot with the most robot voice possible. Hell, even the main character says he didn't understand jackshit.

Enough with the negative aspects, let’s move on to more negative aspects. 5 FPS animations that you see in various cutscenes even if you MAX every setting and have an RTX4090. And to make it 60 FPS, you must alter some configuration files in the game directory. When you think you had enough, the game slaps you across the face with the same tutorial popup that says the same basic shit.

The big brain of a game spoils itself by showing every enemy in its lore category right at the intro. Oh, also you must grind so hard you can’t even call it zero to hero, you gotta call it minus thousand to hero. BTW, the fuck is wrong with these facial animations? Like, everything is buttery-smooth, and you get to a dramatic moment in the story, and the voice actors are doing their best, and then you get the facial expressions of my dead grandmother, WHO IS DEAD BY THE WAY! Totally ruining the whole experience.

There are minimal QTEs in the game that you come across several times in your playthrough. They are minimal, but their impact is huge, like, you can die. You get a QTE and fail it because you did not expect it, then get to that point again and successfully complete it, then a long time passes and you get a QTE again in a critical moment and you have a partial heart attack because you weren’t expecting it, and then you fail again like you did your whole life.
Now it’s really enough with the cons of this game. There are mad fun lock-picking minigames that you generally must complete. Also, there are some puzzles that utilize physics beautifully. It’s nice to see they pulled off placing puzzles in such a game and got away with it. There are not-so-great cars in the open world that you can use to travel between faraway places and run over some robots in the process, but since the car mechanics are so messed up, you might end up in a ditch and have to walk two kilometers to your destination since you can’t find any other car.

The story is captivating too, and you get great plot twists in every part of the story. No spoilers.

3.5/5, would fetch the robot maid’s limbs again so that I could go through a simple door.

Blacklist the developers of this game. Is that a thing? If not, then make it happen so we don't get something like this cringe abomination ever again.

I joined my character on the journey to insaneness. He went mad I went mad, he got into depression and I still did not leave his side, I got depressed with him. Then I saw that this relationship was toxic and decided to abandon the game. After that, I have never seen that lunatic.

I quit after the second mountain. It's a nice game, but it's all about that 'lemme perfect my time'. And I'm not about that. It felt good to experience this game, though. It also shows the horrors that mountain bikers have to go through, like falling 200 meters into a waterfall and drowning horribly because you don't know how to swim, or speeding into a huge ass rock and getting your stomach come out of your mouth.

This game has Gaben that deals damage to NPCs by throwing discounts at them. This game also has, Khaleesi, Jon Snow and Red Lady Melisandre. Also HOT reporters that you get to see after every chaos you unleash.

I love every second of Infectonator games since the early flash games era. I hope they make a great comeback with a new Infectonator game.

Man, those reporters...

You will be simping over the itsy bitsy protagonist at the beginning, and then, towards the end, you will find yourself tinkering over how to get out of the purple cocoon that has a portal to the green cocoon while carrying the green cocoon, which, by the way, happens to have green and orange cocoons inside of it, AND THAT ORANGE COCOON ALSO HAS GREEN COCOON INSIDE OF IT.

All in all, it's a brilliantly crafted indie game made by a handful of people who thanks to more people in their credits than the total number of people who worked on the game.
It lasts about 4 hours, but you can be sure that those hours will fly by. The graphics are simple but well-designed. Audio is very nice. Gameplay has a beautifully designed learning curve that suits my intelligence and gameplay style.
All very well but also, this game is not for everyone who HATES puzzles in games. If you are not one of them, give this game a chance, and if you don't experience brain freezes like I did, then you don't have to play this game on three different days and just finish it in a session.

Story was the thing that kept this game going. Animations was mid, nearly no eye movement and occasional robotic head movements made the characters much more artificial than they are. Textures are good. Finished it in one sitting in 5 and a half hour. Just play it if you have the time and money or other means to obtain it ;) otherwise it's not a masterpiece game that you should play. There are better games on this genre than this one, so go for them.

Masterpiece, must play. It cannot be described but only experienced.

I would not advise anyone to try this game - YET. Because there are so many issues. Gameplay bugs, animation issues, non-existent optimization, bad movement, trashy UI design and some more. Also, the fact that the game start VERY slow is a turn down for me, especially for a gameplay oriented game like this one. I am here for the gameplay, and yes, I am also listening to the story but the game revolves around the gameplay and not the story, so stop that 10 minutes of constant yapping and GIVE ME THE TOOLS TO EXPAND MY FACTORY.
Another thing is that there are research cubes and in order to research something in your technology tree you spend those research cubes BUT those cubes are, in fact, a material that you place in the world. A HUGE ASS CUBE THAT JUST SITS THERE SO YOU CAN RESEARCH SOME SHIT. They don't even disappear after you spend them. An example how frustrating they are is this: I decided to make a ladder out of those cubes as it was mandatory to place them somewhere and towards the 3rd hour, I had a colossal ladder reaching for the stars...
Just wait for it to be released, or at least a year.

100%ed with all achievements and upgrades, a nice game to play with friends now and then. You can also play it solo if you do not mind the soulless design of the game that makes you feel lonely. Anyways, the obscure design of bossed, apart from the first boss is quite complex and you suffer for a long time without a guide. Anyways, I will not be playing this game for a very long time because there will be no good content update in the future. Farewell, PTTR...

I finished the first world completely in 10 hours and played an hour on the second map. Before I begin, I must say that I am a huge simp of mining games, especially ones like SteamWorld.
It was nice to play the story, but it has mid-tier gameplay, so I did not play every level. It will get you hooked on itself in the first world and you will see to its ending.
It's likely that we'll get a sequel to this game based on its ending.


After about 30 hours and as much time pirated, AND it sitting idle in my computer for a year, I decided to delete it. It's a nice game but I can not 100% it as I initially intended to.