I pirated this as a kid, and I don't know if it's because I pirated it or because I was incompetent that I could not beat the last boss.

my father was scared to play this game, yet he finished it

I probably have more than 150 hours on this game. Arthur's story is really sad. This game is a wasted potential but even with it's current status I really like it.


played with ex, dunno if it was the game or her that I couldnt get to like it lol

This review contains spoilers

I loved how it started in the beautiful streets of Paris and ended in a dark alley in Rapture... Sad ending, nice new mechanics especially the schematics view was good. Better than Episode 1. Stealth was a nice addition in my opinion, as it is a DLC and shows the story through Elizabeth's perspective. This DLC is just like that stealth DLC from one of the new generation Wolfenstein games where we play as a woman that infiltrates a Nazi stronghold. Not a satisfying ending but a satisfying amount of content.

It was great seeing Rapture and it's SOBs again. They did yet another nice plot twist. I did not explore it all the way as I was only interested in the story.

I do not like sandbox/wave shooter DLCs but I liked the museum part of this. I got infinite money cheat and unlocked everything in the museum. Red Light District and Fall of Icarus concept arts were interesting, I wish we could get to see them in the game. Behind the scenes footages were fun to watch and that huge Songbird statue looks cool. Also the hidden tear was nice.

The world is brilliant, new mechanics are fun. I was really immersed in the story and finished the main game in a short period of time. Plot twists are amazing and I loved how it's story connected into the other BioShock games. 10 years after it's release and I really had fun playing it.

I was a mess and couldn't enjoy the games anymore and THEN I find this game on Game Pass. I really enjoyed playing it, the overall quality was high. Textures, voiceover, story, THE ENDING, gameplay mechanics and the list goes on. Truly one of the best works of EA in a decade. I didn't think that I would finish this game 100% but I did. And while 100%ing other games generally felt like a burden, this one was different, I enjoyed patiently replaying the parts I have already been and getting the loot I missed. I can't wait to play the sequel even though it got less positive reviews than this one. I wanted to try the 'Sexy Merrin' mod but I have already uninstalled the game, what a shame...

Oh, the intro is pretty awesome too!


It was a brilliant game to play in those times where every release was a disaster. It felt good to play a game, a good game that was developed with love. Gameplay mechanics, graphics and content may not be top tier but I had fun playing it. This is one of the games that shows every developer that good games does not necessarily require high budget or a huge team behind it. Just a genuine idea that people will love working on and playing.