this game is severely dragged down by the behavior of desuhiko and shinigami, ESPECIALLY shinigami since she's with you the whole entire game. what even brings it up to a 2 is the fact that the rest of the cast are really fun/interesting to be around

there's definitely a lot left to be desired here. its tough because this is part 1 of 2 so we still dont have the full experience yet, but its still just kinda meh to be honest. i also feel like the lag/frame drops have somehow gotten worse since the game updated. makes it really difficult to feel invested when im lagging during a cutscene

i had a great time! my first ever pokemon game (that i completed) was pokemon moon so it was nice to go back and play some older gen games :-] i went in expecting it to be much harder than the games i've played and it was, but that was not unwelcome. it really gave me a chance to better plan out my team and what moves they needed. it also helps that i got a full odds shiny litwick during my run!

what can i say, i love vocaloid! the song selection is pretty good, its just a shame that its so hard to stay free-to-play with how difficult it is to level up/upgrade characters

never knew just how badly i needed to see both shulk and rex as dilfs. also matthew is funny as hell, S tier protag

nothing more nostalgic than my brother and i constantly trying to get each other to fall off the map/killed

the perfect rainy day game for me. what is better than risking my life in mines and then coming back home to my beautiful wife maru? nothing. the music is calming and the characters are all incredibly charming. highly recommend as a good de-stress game

watched my fiancé play this and what a treat!! the story is good, the characters are all incredibly loveable, the music slaps, and the gameplay is pretty great :-] the visuals are also fantastic; love the transitions to animated cutscenes!

what can i possibly say about this game that hasn't already been said? in the midst of tons of video game companies striving so hard to achieve the most realistic looking 3D graphics possible, toby fox drops undertale - a 2D RPG - into our laps. this game changed so many lives and that is no surprise. the characters ooze charm and personality, the music is fantastic, the gameplay is great with all of the unique enemy/boss attacks, and the story pulls at your heartstrings. undertale is nothing short of a masterpiece

the way this game plays in terms of battling and catching pokemon is so unique and i truly wish they would keep this type of style for future mainline pokemon titles!!!! also the shiny hunting methods in this game are beyond broken that i love going back to this game for essentially free shinies. the story of this game was also really interesting and i never felt truly bored playing!

definitely not perfect (the sheer amount of bugs in this game is craaazy), but i definitely had way more fun with it than i did playing swsh. the story was pretty good in my opinion and i LOVED all of the characters. its really fun being able to make the most cursed sandwiches in existence with my friends

now i am by no means a master at pokemon (i do have to ask my friends for move advice on occasion), but god this game really treats you like a dumb infant. i finished this game so quickly and it was really disappointing because i so badly wanted this game to be fun. the story was ok and some of the characters were fun (marnie is my fav), but the gameplay being so painfully easy really took me out of it

my first fully finished pokemon game! this game was so charming in many aspects. i really miss being able to feed my pokemon their poke beans. the gameplay was good, the region was stunning and full of life, and i had a lot of fun with it!

this game was pure insanity, therefore its the best thing ever. the most random relationship can occur out of nowhere and its absolutely hilarious to watch, as well as all of the goofy dream sequences. i hope we can eventually get this game on the switch so they can make it even sillier than before