19 reviews liked by moederwasbeer

Goede game die je snel kan uitspelen. Zeker de 5 euro waard (die regelmatig wordt afgeprijsd)

This review contains spoilers

Game would have been a 4,5/5 if it stopped after act 1. Sadly it didn't which resulted in it being a different experience.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+ Gameplay;
Act 1 was solid, understandable and a lot of fun. In the later acts it adds new elements but it doesn't make the game more fun. It sadly becomes more RNG heavy.

+- Music;
Fits the vibe but nothing memorabele.

+- Graphics;
Act 1 = 5/5
Act 2 = 2/5
Act 3 = 3/5

+- Story/Characters;
I was cautious, because I don't vibe with spooky games like these. The act 1 story was a lot of fun, but the creepypasta shit after that ruins it.

It's a solid card game, and if you like spooky stuff it's a must. Otherwise idk. If you don't like the demo/trailer, don't play the full game.

This game is something special. I got into ff7 not too long ago, but it already feels like this series has been part of my life for years. OG FF7 and FF7 Remake are truely super fun games, but this one has been cooking so hard it became one of the best meals I've had in my life. I've not been bored after playing for more than 90 hours, which is truely unique for me.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
++ Gameplay;
Everything has been improved from the previous game. More fun combat options, smoother gameplay and a wider variety of minigames. I enjoyed exploring all area's, doing all battles and even the tasks that are supposed to be boring/annoying were fun to me. There is sooo much to do, and it never feels forced imo. If the 3rd game is only half as good as this one, it'll still be a super enjoyable game.

++ Music;
Crazy new remixes and new original songs. Never got bored of it and everything fits the mood perfectly. Also for certain scenes it adds so much and gives hints about the story. By that I mean, the visuals might not be what it seems to be thanks to the music that's playing in the background. (which is a good thing)

+ Graphics;
All cutscenes are gorgeous, but during gameplay the light is sometimes overexposed.
All areas are unique, memorable and fun to explore. I like how heavy crowded some places are.

++ Story/Characters;
Let them cook. it's crazy how everything is familiar and new at the same time. This is how you do a remake. You still have the story from the OG game, but at the same time it'll give you so many new things and hints to keep you engaged. The ending was a bit confusing at first, but after looking at it again and again it only gets better and better. I've been watching hours of theories from Maximillian_Dood and it's crazy how much hidden stuff is in the game.

Yes, but play the Remake first. If you haven't play Crisis Core as well.
I'd recommend playing the OG as well to see all thats different, but it's not a must. Should be fine to play that after the remakes as well.

Prima spel. Ergens had ik gehoopt dat het meer dialog zou hebben, en dat er sowieso interessantere dialog zou zijn (zoals Animal Crossing op de GameCube). En sommige veranderingen t.o.v. New Leaf zijn jammer. Maar ik heb me wel bijna 2 maanden vermaakt met de game tot ik de "main objective" gehaald heb, dus dat is wel een goed ding denk ik

astarion hug >>>>> astarion kiss

The most addicting game I’ve played in a long while. I love every aspect of this game, except the music and the fact that challenges offer no rewards except showing off joker combinations.

solidarity (noun):
when kratos cries, i cry (a lot)

I experienced Alan Wake 1 for the first time in God's year 2022, only a handful of years before the release of 2, but it was enough time for the wait for its sequel to be painful as I am not a patient person. As such, I am grateful I was not a fan since the original release.

That being said, my (mercifully short, considering) wait was well worth it. Admittedly, I’ve not had that much experience with the whole assortment of Remedy’s games. In fact, I’ve only really had exposure to Alan Wake and Control before AW2(and that’s currently being… remedied as I’m playing Max Payne 1), but what I experienced was something truly special, so I was very excited to see what this new title would bring to the table. I was not ready for the 10 course meal Sam Lake was about to serve me, but by God I was starving.

When my friend and I began this adventure, it kind of had some failure to launch functionally between sound issues and some truly awful lag. We ended up waiting a few extra months after its release to be ready to stream it off GeForce Now, so I was really chomping at the bit by then. What awaited us was a story that somehow took everything good about every Remedy game(my friend filled me in on bits and pieces I’d forgotten or whatever I needed to know that I hadn’t yet experienced) and made it even more exciting.

The sound design was incredible after we finally got it to work. The atmospheric sounds made me feel tense, unnerved. The musical stings were effective and evoked a feeling of dread. I’ll admit I yelped more than a handful of times, as I am a bit of a wimp. The enemies’ voice lines were grating and made me feel antsy. And the soundtrack! The soundtrack is one of the best parts of the game. In the interest of making this review as spoiler free as possible, I will simply say that it is one of the best game soundtracks with the most impactful lyrics that I’ve ever witnessed, and I’m a NieR fan.

Graphically this game was really impressive as well, and the FMVs are where this game really shined. Remedy tends to lean heavily on its FMV usage, and they’re always so much fun to experience.

Ilkka Villi, the man who plays the face of Alan Wake, really puts his all into his role. His expressions shone and were incredible, and I personally believe the man is a talented actor, his subtle mannerisms and movements bringing the fictional character to life. On the other side of the coin, Alan Wake’s voice actor Matthew Poretta also goes crazy in his role. The monologues Alan tends to go on are intense, and the film noir-esque style really hits right. The two actors really do a wonderful job and make Alan a memorable and endearing character.

Melanie Liburd plays both the face and voice of Saga Anderson, the game’s deuteragonist. I’m unfamiliar with her outside of her work as Saga, but I must say I quite enjoyed her in this role. Saga herself is an interesting character, and one I quite enjoyed. She had similar monologues to Alan’s, perhaps not as gritty or as (lovably) pretentious, but they were still just as compelling. The way this character ties into the plot, as well as her character development and backstory, were incredibly interesting and I found myself really taken with her.
All in all, I found Alan Wake 2 to be an absolute masterpiece. It is an artful culmination of all the best story and game elements that Remedy games have to offer. I am very biased, but I have seen the joys this game has to offer, and I’m terribly excited for the next chapter of its story to unfold. I heavily recommend anyone with even a passing interest in meta gags or even an interest in modernized film noir elements pick this up, as well as recommend Alan Wake 1, its kind-of miniature sequel game American Nightmare, and Control to get the maximum enjoyment out of the wonder that is Alan Wake 2.

PS: I’m sure Baldur’s Gate 3 rules but Sam Lake got robbed. Give my man every award known to man. Make up new awards for him, too. Thank you.

A fun game with interesting story, but it tries to be a RPG and action game at the same time which ends up in both not reaching it's gameplay potential.
Also first game of 2024 & first big PS5 game.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+ Gameplay;
I enjoyed it but it was a bit too repetitive. Throughout the game you get new abilities and they pretty much all do the same, deal damage. I really wish more rpg elements came into play, because now I was just spamming attacks instead of having to think about what attack would do most damage (because of a weakness for example).
The icon battles were fun te see and was impressed by the visuals and such, gameplay wise it was a bit too easy.
I have to say the controls felt very nice. You felt the impact of your attacks and doing a parry or perfect invade felt satisfying.

++ Music;
Like most FF games, also this game's music was on point. I do wish they would be more suited to casually listen to, but that would have been an extra. While playing the game all music perfectly fits.

+ Graphics;
I've made several screenshots and felt like they gave you time to do so. Got some impressive visuals but most of the areas you visit feel too similar.

+ Story/Characters;
The part of the story I enjoyed the most is how the main message can be translated to real life. Makes me think about stuff, which is a plus for me.
The side missions were a bit much, especially later in the game. They surely loved talking, because plenty of things could have been told in 2 sentences instead of 15.

The characters were alright. I didn't really get attached to them and there wasn't a favorite for me in the end. Probably cid if I had to chose one.

Yes and no. Idk actually. I'll just say I enjoyed my time and don't regret playing it at all. I just don't know who to recommend it to, because I feel like there a other games who I would recommend instead. It's mostly because of what I said earlier, it tries to be an RPG and action game but in the end it's only half of both.

Fully played in co-op. Short but very fun to play! A perfect party game to play with some friends or even alone!

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+ Gameplay;
The poses combined with the microgames are very clever. They're all very fun to do, but some don't seem to respond correctly every time. I blame the switch for that.

+ Music;
Fun addicting music fitting the game.

+ Graphics;
A mix of everything once again. A surprise for every microgame

- Story/Characters;
Could have been longer fitting the price of the game.

Absolutely if you are looking for a new party game!