33 Reviews liked by mothcub

I don’t think the series ever reached the level of freedom and difficulty that was achieved with this first The Legend of Zelda game. This can be at times, frustratingly obtuse, annoyingly difficult, and somewhat unsatisfying. However, the experience as a whole is made up of brilliant moments of exploration that make this one of the truest adventure games ever made.

Wait my body is starting to heat up

muito boa a experiência quando limpas 99% e ficas 40 minutos á procura do 1% que falta

I have decided to re-log this game after a while and my praises of the game have definitely diminished over time. I still think it’s the best in the series since B2W2, but I don’t think it’s “great” or anything. It’s certainly a step in the right direction but nearly every other game in this series for the past 10 years has been “a step in the right direction” only for the next game to not follow up on that at all. I’m so tired of only having “a step in the right direction” instead of a straight up great new game. I don’t care if this is an unfair complaint or whatever because I think it’s entirely fair to expect more from this series given that the best JRPGs on the switch at the same price are made by smaller teams teams with funds several times smaller than TPC.

The gameplay is certainly fun and innovative for the series. Battles and catching Pokémon feel fast and engaging. But throughout the game there’s so many annoyances and issues. The controls feel weird and there’s no way to remap them. The characters are shallow and forgettable, the visuals and optimisation are very sub-par, the new boss fights are incredibly boring and repetitive. QOL has been downgraded from SwSh (I don’t even know how). I cannot in good faith call this game anything other than “slightly above average for the series” even if it’s the first in a long time to do a lot of things right.

Yes, it's extremely normal to have a video game sequel, especially for games with large audiences like the Frog Detective series.



Played a whole shit tonne of this over a long weekend holiday away, caught Rayquaza, got over a billion points, eventually just got bored. It is a very easy pinball game and can go on for far far far far FAR too long, but it's also got lots of fun little quirks and ideas. I wish there was an actual Pokémon pinball machine, come on Stern no one wants a fucking James Bond machine they want POKÉMON

Literally no point putting a rating on this, more just an opportunity to remind myself I had £10 burning a hole in my pocket and wanted to be a Dwarf for a bit. Kill 10 rats. Summon the power of angels to heal your friends. Kill 10 boars.

I love being a frog and I love being a detective, so naturally this game was a perfect gift for me!

I always took for granted being able to walk left & right in video games. Never again.

I believe this to be one of those cases where they add to the original enough for it to feel like a downgrade, losing its charm. I don't think the level design is as perfect either, but its still spyro and has moments of fun.

Dirge of Cerberus is an interesting idea from an interesting period of time in Square's history. They were really trying to do something with Dirge. I just wish it actually came to fruition instead of completely floundering like it does.

Dirge is the type of game that clearly has ideas for FF7 as a series and really does want to tell a new story but it refuses to let itself do so in any real true sense. Okay gameplay can't really save this from being the Lucrecia apologia/retcon fest this game absolutely ends up being. It can't help but fuck with things in the original game that just really didn't need to be fucked with at all. It can't leave that alone and just let Vincent have a new story with mostly new characters. They HAVE to be tied to the old ones because nothing can rest. The new characters (besides Shalua) are all so one note and boring that they might as well not be there, ESPECIALLY Weiss who's supposed to be the MAIN Antagonist, it's sad really. It's exhausting and kinda maddening to play through as it goes on because of that. I was fairly excited to play this but as it goes on it really just let me down.

Personally I would recommend you stay away from this game. Again, while it has solid gameplay with mouse and keyboard support that works surprisingly well and a nice sense of style its story, which is what most people will be there for, is a massive let down. Absolutely not worth the time at all.

If you'd like to see my thoughts on this game in a bit more detail (along with Advent Children and the FF7 anime OVA's) then please check out my analysis of it here: https://youtu.be/vtkofo9-s1g

After apprehensively approaching the slightly unwashed shop clerk at Cex (a UK second hand game retailer) and nervously asking for “My Stop Smoking Coach” I think I want to pick up smoking just to cope.

A brilliant, relaxing and fun game! I only took away half a star because I sadly couldn't find Waldo. :'-(

Serene and stunning, BOTW is a genre defining game that even makes a 900 Korok hunt entertaining (after months of therapy)