Great classic Resident Evil clone.
For such an small budget game they really nailed the atmosphere. Moody dark mansion with great detail everywhere. Another strong point for the game are the puzzles. Unlike the influence some of these are really challenging and that's an positive thing.

One thing I personally dislike is the main characters design. It just feels out of place and just looks like some dudes wet dream, which is a shame because most of the monster designs are great!

Some new ideas and I like the noir atmosphere, but in the core it's still more of the same and I find it kinda comical how there still can be so much copy pasted level design.

Gorgeous pixel art, funny dialogue and the music is full of bangers. The second part of the game might include some aimless wandering around, but other than that I loved every second of it.

Still holds up surprisingly well except the combat which especially in multiplayer usually turns to spam all buffs before fight and hope for the best.

Audiovisually this game nails it. I love the H. R. Giger influenced world design and also the audio design is phenomenal. And not only does the audiovisual side slap, but the fast-paced bullet-hell gameplay is unique and feels great to play.
Only weak side of the game is the ending, which did not work for me.

Died 3 times and finished the game on my 4th run.

It's all over the place with its story and gameplay, but when it focuses to its strengths with atmosphere and exploration/puzzles and doesn't try to be Amnesia with chase sequences there is something to enjoy here.

Atmospheric futuristic Norse mythology horror with interesting story and great music? Count me in.
The game is also well-paced and actually lets you move at your own pace and doesn't hinder you with stamina gauges or other annoyances.

There is one bigger fault with the game and that is the enemy AI. Maybe higher difficulties fix it but at normal they are too slow so you can most of the time run past them without much of a problem and this has the side-effect of making them non-scary.


Basically interactive novel. It does feel like it is made with love and care and I would recommend it if you're a fan of Lovecraft.

When you get over the first hump of being totally lost and start your journey towards the Eye of the Universe there is truly unique game here that keeps surprising you wherever you wander in the universe.

Pretty cool combination of bullet hell & typing with some banger music.

There are some annoyances like the font being kinda hard to read at times and it still has some bugs (I managed to glitch one of the bosses and had to restart).

It's badly designed game for cheap scares.
Play with friends and you will have some fun with it.

Challenging platformer with lots of heart and sadly middling level design.

Last level was great though.


Creative fast-paced puzzle game in co-op.
The game has a nice difficulty curve which keeps the charming season themed levels and the gameplay evolving which stops them feeling stagnant at any point.

The best one yet. This one just has the most refined and varied gameplay.

As far as a horror game it's just okay. Like any game that relies too heavily on jump scares it loses steam the longer it goes. It does have a great atmosphere though.

The part that surprised me that there were some pretty great puzzles in there with decent exploration and story to get you through the uneven horror parts. Positive surprise.