not fun at all for me. the amount of difficulty and skill you need to develop to get through is too much, and not rewarding enough. the successor to this game, cadence of hyrule, took this and improved it way better

the visuals and music are pretty good, but the gameplay is not super fun for me at times. some of the enemies and bosses are more annoying to fight than a fun fight - it feels like a game that was designed more around speedrunners and challenge runs in mind than the casual player. which isn't always a bad thing, but for someone like me it didn't end up being a great gameplay experience. played about 10 hours in total, not sure if i will play any more of it or not, we'll see

i'm conflicted about this game. part of me really likes it, and part of me doesn't. i didn't complete the game, just the first 4 chapters, but i saw the other chapters played on videos. music and art are great, gameplay is good, but idk, i have to be in a very specific mood to enjoy it

i love the stanley parable. one of my favorite games ever, the dialogue and everything is all so well written. i was super excited that they came out with more content for it.

very fun social deduction party game, small development team and the devs are cool people. trait games are the most fun and some of the traits are so unique and fun to play as. the devs are very responsive too and constantly adding features that make the game even more fun and better, love the spectator feature so i can own the game and get stuff even if i'm not hosting myself

honestly surprised how much i loved this game. i LOVED the combat system in this and the boss fights in general, the boss fights being personified versions of stationary tools with tons of character goes pretty hard and makes for some of the most engaging bosses ever, ngl. when they take a boss that doesn't seem like it has much to it and give it tons of character, that's something i appreciate so much in games. i legit cried at the end of this game too, which sounds stupid but it was such a great experience

one of the only horror games i've played, and i loved it for the most part. i normally don't even talk on VCs, but this game is so engaging it pushes me to use a mic when i'm in the mood

quiplash XL (4/5) - pretty good, one of the OG quiplashes, quiplash is a popular jackbox game but there's a reason for that. simple but great.

bidiots (3/5) - kinda fun, but the drawing kind of sucks, and the game isn't balanced that well, but it's funny having bidding wars on stupid artwork

fibbage 2 (3/5) - not as good as fibbage 3 in a future pack, but it's decent. fun to play

earwax (3/5) - it's alright, it can be funny sometimes, but it's mostly just random sounds and people vote for sounds with guns/sex noises in them the most, but it still can produce some pretty funny moments if you get lucky with your sounds

bomb corp (3.5/5) - it's good if im in the mood for it, one of the better action oriented jackbox games. maybe actually the best of those. zeeple dome and dodo re mi are ass

fibbage 3 (4.5/5) - the best fibbage game hands down. the EAY mode is great and super fun, and the art style of this fibbage and the content of it makes it the ultimate fibbage.

monster seeking monster (2/5) - it's not that good, the monster powers are extremely unbalanced and the messaging system is awkward. can be fun at times tho

survive the internet (3.5/5) - i really love the concept and it can make for really funny things, but people always mess up the rules

bracketeering (4/5) - i love this, largest player jackbox game, and it's like a bigger version of quiplash. the blind brackets are especially my favorite, make for some funny stuff

civic doodle (1/5) - the WORST jackbox game ever. it's basically a boring gartic phone but scored. most of it is just free drawing, which is pretty bad for a scored jackbox game, and usually one person ends up being voted way more than the others, leaving some peoples work never included in the game at all

ydkj full stream (3/5) - it's fine, it's a good trivia game but has similar problems as all jackbox trivia games (lack of questions)

mad verse city (2.5/5) - it's overrated. sometimes the game screws you in the mad libs parts, and idk it's just not that fun usually. i used to like it way more, but the more i play it, the more boring and repetitive it gets.

patently stupid (3.5/5) - it's good, but the drawing tools and stuff suck. but it can be a pretty funny game

split the room (4.5/5) - one of my favorite jackbox games. i love the atmosphere and the concept of the game, it can be super fun coming up with certain scenarios

zeeple dome (1.5/5) - not the worst jackbox game, but it's not good. horrible for online play, and lasts way too long in general. but i've had some fun playing it

quiplash 3 (4.5/5) - the best quiplash. the safety quips are actually good, and the art style and prompts are amazing.

devils and the details (2.5/5) - not the worst, but action jackbox games are always not great, it can be fun SOMETIMES but it's really hard to play online

champ'd up (5/5) - one of the best jackbox games hands down. i don't even like drawing, but this game makes it fun. maybe even the best jackbox game ever.

talking points (1/5) - not for me. i can't talk fluently at all, and hate that this game requires out loud play. i'd rather play any other game

blather round (3.5/5) - it's pretty good, but it suffers again from lack of prompts, some people memorize all the prompts and just spam them. but it's good in most games

drawful animate (4.5/5) - i love drawful, it's one of my favorite jackbox games ever. this would be a perfect 5 if it wasn't for the animation part, not a big fan of that part, but the prompts in this drawful are the best

job job (4.5/5) - also one of the best jackbox games, as long as people put in enough words. makes for super funny scenarios, great game

poll mine (3.5/5) - pretty solid jackbox game, can get heated if people disagree though, good concept tho

weapons drawn (4/5) - i think this one is really underrated. i LOVE the concept, hiding the letters in the drawings is really fun, the only downside is how long the game is

wheel of enormous proportions (3.5/5) - it's not a bad game, but it's the weakest one in this pack for me perhaps. some of the questions eh, but i like that it's partially luck based

it's alright. i did have some fun playing it at one point, but in general it's annoying to control and not as good as similar games to me.

one of the best indie games i have ever played, hands down. the battles are so extremely fun, best battles in a game tbh. bopping music, which is a huge plus in games for me

very good, i don't think it's quite as good as dual destinies for me, but the new seance feature makes for some extremely clever plot points, overall plot is a bit lackluster tho to me