40 Reviews liked by mxdnt

two years later the most important memory i have of this game is beating it the same day I started HRT so to that i'll say hell yeah

Black-handed tomfoolery in three dimensional havok. You see, it's grandly outdated- You can't even shoot a pedestrian through it's invisible windshield and everything SCREAMS prototype hell. But this is an atmospheric witchcraft. Antiquated commonplaces of gaming, floating icons to affordably wreck mayhem and peaks of infuriating, faulty, hair-ripping difficulty rooted to laborious ballistics and open-roam incompetently forcing you to go hell-and-back just to replay a mission before dying stupidly. It's challenging roughness makes it an equally gratifying circus if you brace for it to be a time-consuming maelstrom of jumping through hoops of fire. I just know i grinded my TIME on my PS2 back in the day, some of it i cried out of furious anger, but a sheer lot of it i stood hypnotized by blowing up police cars and driving boats in a fit of a nervous breakdown until achieving meets end. It's gonna drive INSANE anyone accustomed to modern GTA V gameplay. But it's a challenging, gratifying hood classic that comes off as cathartic when you almost seemingly impossibly let it. Also, the simplicity of everything seems funnily fresh for taking place on such a big fictional universe, someone as cryptic as Claude deserves a glorious comeback somehow.

How I learned to stop worrying and love Pizza Tower.

Seriously though, despite being a bit disappointed in my first playthrough, I kept coming back to it eventually in some way. The Noise update gave me another reason to do a full playthrough since he is a pretty different character, and I think that was enough to convince me that this game is actually pretty great. As much as I want to hate it due to its Ohio rizz band kid zoomer fanbase, I really can't. It really is an exceptional game. There's a lot of charm and genuine soul put into this that's very rare these days. I even went for a few P ranks and was surprised by how addicting it was. Definitely don't have the patience to P rank the whole game, but I finally get what people love about this game.

It's still not as good as Wario Land 4 though.

isso aqui é um god of war 2018-like... nunca pensei que diria isso na vida mas é inegável que é o que esse jogo tenta ser. Porem, sendo bem mais linear e passa longe de ter uma história tão boa quanto a obra em que se inspira, no mais, os jogos funcionam iguais, porradaria e puzzle com a câmera bem cinematográfica por cima do ombro e uma liberdade quase nula de de fato se movimentar pelos cenários... ainda assim ele é divertido aqui e ali, apesar de um combate meio mal balanceado e puzzles que são mais do mesmo.

Ainda que curto, entrega quase impacto nenhum durante sua duração - é um misteriozinho bem arroz com feijão, digno de game jam, não fosse pelos assets medianos e estar num 3DS. Tenho um fraco pela movimentação por ambientes limiares em 3D desde Silver Case, mas não salvou nada aqui.

The kind of twist that at first makes you go "This is really dumb", then after a while it s coming together, it starts to make sense, only to realize afterwards that no, nothing about this works, it is a really dumb and pointless twist.

Intensly frustrating. I love the first game, I love the cast, I love the tone, the music, the creativity. But through it's structure and twist Nirvana Initiative becomes much less than the sum of its parts.

THe secret ending and its implications slap though.

Sometimes all you need is a simple basic cheap platformer and this accomplishes that perfectly. Good time waster for an hour.

Absolute fever dream of a game. I created a busty, maroon-skinned abomination of indeterminable gender who Naruto ran everywhere, bounced side to side on the spot whenever left idle as if they had some kind of severe hyperactive disorder, and sported a flattop haircut literally colored with one the wallpaper patterns. Shockingly my custom avatar still wasn’t the strangest thing in this world where nearly every inhabitant is gay and you can hilariously ragdoll animals' limp bodies at any time by spinning them around your head like pizza dough. Everything from the modern era Cartoon Network visual aesthetic to the fact that you shrink down to the size of an insect and launch yourself around the kitchen on wooden spoons (because apparently that's easier than just walking to the fridge at normal height) to cook gives the impression that a bunch of members of the LGBT community got together, dropped acid, and made an itch.io meme parody of Animal Crossing.

Once you get past all the weirdness of the magical mushroom forests and potions that turn you into humanoid cats though, you really are simply doing fairly typical life simulator tasks of performing favors for the locals to improve your relationships while trying to open up new areas of the island and manage a cafe. It's a genuinely charming and fun experience, even if the constant backtracking to and fro between NPCs in different sections of the map can get a bit annoying. There are plenty of optional smaller distractions for you to engage in as well, such as finding every critter or completing all the baking minigames to fully flesh out your menu of delectable goodies for customers to enjoy. The amount of queer representation will also be a delight for many. You interact with at least two openly lesbian couples, a plethora of small details on clothing or in dialogue hint at a wider array of diverse sexual orientations for the cast, and special care is given so that you can know every character's pronouns if you want to (yes, there is a they/them).

Unfortunately, Calico does have one pretty serious shortcoming, and that's how unlike the Stardew Valleys and Sims of the genre there is a clear ending point here. What's worse is that it won't take you long to reach it either. After a handful of hours, you'll have legitimately burned through all there is to do and have no reason to come back, possibly ever. Heck, even your business technically runs itself as once you create a tasty treat for the first time, subsequent batches magically and automatically produced themselves freeing you up to explore other activities. Whether the title's relatively brief lifespan is a dealbreaker or not will come down to individual preference. Personally, I think the uniquely gonzo style and endearingly quirky mechanics make it worth recommending if you're looking for something different in spite of the $12 price tag.


Sure, there are aspects of Zero Mission I'd take ever so slightly over their Super counterparts, namely slight tweaks to the control scheme's shortcuts and some basic quality-of-life updates to the map system... but man, even if I've called Zero Mission my favorite Metroid for a long time there really is just no topping Super on most other levels this series operates on.

The soundtrack is one of the most impressive aspects of this game - it may not be the first game to do ambient and almost new age-ish music the way it does, but Super Metroid has such a distinct sound within the Super Nintendo's library that it's beyond impressive. Tracks like "Upper Brinstar", "Maridia - Swamp Caverns". and "Tourian" are pretty singular within the realm of 16-bit music, and you'd need to look to something like EarthBound to find sounds operating on the same level of experimentation within the console's library.

These sounds compliment a well-established atmosphere that's been discussed to death elsewhere, but for good reason. Super Metroid often toes the line from adventure game into action-thriller, and even horror thanks to its mood, colors, sprite artwork, and direction. One of the best things Super Metroid does with its color language is break its own rules, and early on: where much of the game paints Planet Zebes in naturalistic greens, browns, reds and greys, some of the areas depicted that the player should recognize on cue from the original Metroid title retain their spacey blues and blacks. Mother Brain's lair is kept more or less intact from its 8-bit depiction. Indeed, this leans into the minimal but effective story too - you really don't get the full weight of Super Metroid and all the impressions it sets to leave without the full trilogy under your belt.

Samus' arsenal is at some of its most balanced and effective here. The endgame combo of upgrades feels really fun to use, also I do feel the Screw Attack saw better and less finnicky days down the line on the Game Boy Advance. I'm actually a big fan of the X-ray Scope, except for the few times it doesn't work consistently - a few fake walls in Tourian spring to mind.

Still, for a trailblazer like Super Metroid, it would be excusable should time have worn down its gold sheen into ragged glory, but this isn't the case. I'm not the first nor the hundredth to tell you this, but this game remains one of the all-time greats. The small nitpicks I have here would be more or less cleaned up by the time Fusion and Zero Mission come around, and it should speak to how minimal these complaints are that even after having just replayed the game with my best friend, I'm already getting the itch to land down on Planet Zebes again.

Como um bom fã de miranha tenho nada a reclamar desse game, eu acabei re jogando agora no pc e so conclui o que eu joguei a 3 anos atrás, jogo com cenas épicas de luta, um combate satisfatório e apresentando bem o miranha em sua historia.

Aquela cena da prisão é surreal de boa, apenas joguem.

Genuinelly why does snes online have like 3 caveman games it feels like a weird trend

A stellar run and gun that sticks out as being one of the best of the genre. Treasure games consistently blow me out the water time and time again and this was no exception.

The cultural context section of the translation readme mentions how two of the bands this game references broke up the exact year the original version released, and that's the sort of "sans killing the queen" energy I gotta respect.

I completely forgot that I played and beat this game in 2013 as I can't remember anything about it besides Lara being impaled by wooden spikes

Devo agradecer persona3 reload, melhor coisa que saiu daquele jogo foi ter aberto a porta pra eu adentrar na franquia Shin Megami Tensei.
e caramba como eu me diverti muito mais nesse jogo. o combate é melhor, a mecanica dos "demonios" é superior, a historia por mais que tenha sido um ponto que deixou a desejar da metade pro fim ainda assim é muito mas por muito mais interessante que persona 3! A historia de Shin Megami Tensei, é o esperado doq voce espera de um samurai se voce seguir a ordem = bonzinho. Nao segue a ordem = CANALHAAA MALDITO. E isso é complicado, pq eu ja nao curto japones fazendo firula em historia e ainda adiciona esse fator de samurai... ja viu onde vai parar...

Ainda assim o jogo tem muitas falhas, mas pelo oq eu me diverti jogando isso aqui merece a nota.