the boys had their fun, it's time for the men to play

To make a game so similar to the original, with the same flaws and all, leaves me wondering: What's the point then? It was forgiveable the first time because it was a first attempt, but not the second time. Itsuno and team have learned nothing. In fact, I'd say this is an overall worse offering than the vanilla Dragon's Dogma, considering the landscape in which the former was released in. Its unfortunate that Dragon's Dogma 2 offers some of the best action RPG combat I have ever played then, because there is truly nothing to really flex your skills on.

Where Dark Souls lost its soul

its great and then the second half happens

great and then the second half happens

It might be the perfect game on paper, but perfection comes with a lack of risk that really puts it into the upper echelon.


Great cinematic action game. Pretty bad roguelite. Unfortunately I wanted a roguelite.

More stressful than relaxing. Fails on its premise

Pre-Sunbreak, I thought this game was a nightmare. With Sunbreak I'd give it a 4 star.

its a miracle this trash got a sequel that was actually great

Some balance issues at the time of launch, and the highest stakes aren't very fun, but overall an extremely addicting and fun game. Currently my game of the year, if only because 2024 is so lacking.

my litmus test for whether i take your opinion seriously or not. this game is AWFUL guys lol

Post-update 2.0, this is a fantastic game.

we live in a world where this combat inspired a generation and not something fun like devil may cry or dragon's dogma

One of the most influential games of all time. Had a blast with this back in the early console launch days.