Being a horrible, horrible goose is funny indeed but I had wished for the game to be a bit longer than it actually was.

It's a fun little game that teaches us why Geese are horrible birds that should be avoided at all costs.

This review contains spoilers

Played it with friends. We pretended this is what happens when a LARP session gets out of hand and you change the GM mid-session.

It's a fun game but the supernatural twist felt forced. The music was also really annoying at times. Imagine someone with a Xylophone (?) follows you everywhere to play the same three notes over and over again.

There are four female characters. One is your mother, two are crazy and they both exist to get fucked. literally and figuratively. The last one dies for the plot.

Who also happens to be your sister. Also, your mom is actually your sister but not really because she's not your mom and seriously what kind of daily soap is this...?

Well made story that really showed that the designers did their research and listened to the people who had the same disorder as Senua.


Still miffed that I didn't get to safe the guy in the end. Woud have been nice to rescue the prince for once. :/


Also a great soundtrack and awesome performance by the actress playing Senua.

Watch a boys dream turn into a nightmare in this thrilling entry of the Tales of-saga.

I hated it for the first three hours. Then I got to the time skip and boy did that change things. Suddenly it's a mean little game about growing up, broken promises and trauma.
I didn't expect this.

Holy cultural appropriation, Batman!

Really felt uncomfortable with the depiction of the Native Americans and I don't think that a sombrero-wearing, heartthrob-musician-Mexican guy is the best you can do in terms of characterization, my dear Shadow Hearts...!

The weakest of the trilogy but the gameplay is fun at least. I found Lady and Killer to be far more interesting and that is not a good look on me and/or the game. Maybe it's because they are color-coded.

Nice soundtrack again, though.

Also, you have a fat mafia cat in your team. And a gothic-lolita-vampire.
I preferred the cat.

The most amusing factor is how many historical liberties that game takes just because it can. Female commanders in WWI Germany? Why the fuck not? My team is made of said commander, anastasia romanova, a gay himbo vampire, an old lewd man who likes to play with his puppets (and made me go from EEEW to "oh no, I'm sad now" for at least ten minutes), a future gold digger but it's okay because the guy is into it, a white wolf whose name is Blanca but who is still a guy wolf and who fights battles against other dogs and wolfes and one of them is a toy dog and none of this makes sense. Ah yes. And Yuri. He is almost the normal one in the team. But I guess that goes to the samurai we pick up in the last forth of the game. The guy Anastasia Romanova flirts with constantly.

It was weird.

It's a wild ride of a story whose beats are sometimes hit or miss but did manage to make most of it's characters sympathetic to me (or at least for ten minutes).

I also loved the soundtrack.

The game won me over when the first village I encountered was inhabited by cannibals.

It made me wary when the cannibal kids that greeted me talked about eating Alice and made it sound waaay to sexual.
It's a JRPG so yeah, this shit happens. :/

Otherwise I really liked the story and especially liked the ring-system. Soundtrack was weird but nice, too!

I remember the hate the game got because of its art style.
It's good to see that people now don't mind it or even like it because of it.

The wide sea areas where annoyingly large and barren and finding the triforce pieces was a nightmare. That Tekla was suddenly a rather demure character after her Zelda reveal was weird too but I liked the story well enough.
No horse this time but a speaking boat.

Could have done without that but here we are.

Also liked the rather sympathetic ganon characterization. His last words always kinda stuck to me even though they were not even that good I think...

Except for the water temple, the dungeons are fun and I liked the story. The soundtrack is awesome, too. The world itself is kind of barren and lifeless which I weirdly never noticed as a kid. Going back to it, it's not as great as I remembered but still a good game.

Also, Epona debuted in this game which was nice! Agitate the chickens while riding the horse made it look like an army made of angry chickens follows my command. Weird. But nice.

Instead of learning for my Abitur I played this. Actually had ordered the Wii version bc I thought getting a Wii would be easy.
thank the person who managed my amazon order and accidentally sent me the gc version instead. I was a happy little student who knew they should learn but didn't. Still got my Abitur, so go figure.

The game had so many cool items I used once and never again :/ I know a lot of people like it because it's dark but I couldn't get into it. I also think that pulling the "oh no! The kids got kidnapped" shit twice in a row is not a good move. I didn't care about the kid who was creepy to my horse, stop making me save it!

I did like to run around as a wolf though. Still disappointed that my horse never had anything of value to say to me.
At least, there was a horse...
...Looking at you, skyward sword...!

I found the dungeons to be rather frustrating though, esp. the ice one.

I also think this game is the reason that people started to find ganondorf hot. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

EDIT: Forget everything I said. GOTY! You can PICK UP the CATS in the town and CARRY THEM AROUND!

Still prefer this one to OoT. It just feels...rounder? I loved the world, the characters the sidequests...and just had the feeling there was more to do for me than in OoT.

The eerie atmosphere and the way sidestores would have different dialogue or outcome depending on what you did and WHEN you did it is still something that makes it stand out among the Zelda games. I cared for these weirdos. Even when they were annoying idiots and even though someone should have called PETA on Link for RIDING A FOAL but whatever.
Rolling around as a goron was way more fun anyway.

You also get to watch dog races and even hear the little buggers talk if you have the right mask.

Other fun activity is raising chickens by making them join your military march band for a minute and preventing cow theft by shooting aliens with arrows.

One of my favorite games that is also a really good example of well written female characters and mental illness. For a game that is often so bleak in it looks and unforgiving in the punches it delivers it has an ending (meaning the canon ending) that is not overly happy but hopeful. Made me cry like the stupid bitch I am but also left me hopeful and with something that felt like catharsis...?

One of my few "I have it on vinyl" OSTs, too whatever that means. ;)

I don't remember the option to pet any of the cats. Kind of crime I think...!

I was obsessed enough with this game to import a poster of it from the US. I own the hand in killer7 book, that I can't read bc it's in Japanese, the grasshopper artbook that thankfully got a translation and the OST that started me always perking up as soon as I know that Masafumi Takada did the score for a game.

I was a bit obsessed when the game came out.

Looking back at it and having played parts of it again two years ago, it lost a bit of it's charm for me.

I think I wouldn't like it as much if I had played it as an adult with the current state of games and esp indie games. Back then - for me at least - Killer7 was the word almost avant-garde game with it's weird graphics, antique railways-system-gameplay and confusing storyline.
But now there are more games like this or maybe it just feels like that too me I don't know.

I love it to bits and pieces but it is absolutely not for everyone and I get it when people don't like it. It's violent, it's confusing and definitely not easily accessible. Still glad it exists.

I will never ever like Rockstar's gameplay choices. The amount of times I accidentally pointed a gun at people or punched them (or my horse) when I just wanted to get in the damn saddle or greet them was embarrassing. And amusing of course.

I had too much fun hunting innocent wildlife I think but I got eaten by bears often enough to balance my in-game karma I guess.

Some mane color options that looked a bit more natural would have been appreciated too. I mean: It's easy to find your horse if it's got a blinding white mane wit purple tips but that was a weird break in immersion that I don't get why it exists.

I waited 8 years for this game and would have gladly waited 8 more years if in exchange for no one in the developer team having to do crunch time. It makes me furious to think about that.
Because yes, this is a masterpiece and I love it and cherish it and own the ost and limited box and all the jazz but I have played other games that were MORE memorable for me, who I own MORE merch from and wrote fricking FF for and I highly doubt that that the development of those games was as shitty as that of rdr2.

It's also really a downer story. Why do people think "grown up" or "adult" stories have to be depressing...?

Also, you can't pet the cat and there's only one breed of them. What the fuck, that's cat erasue.
The dog's are cute tho.

Beside that I had much fun playing my little pony with this one. Probably wasn't the intention but here we are. Insert shrug emoji.
We need emoji's here.

I didn't expect Billie to become a protagonist but here we are! :D Nice surprise!

I really liked this one and think it's a nice end to the story that started with Corvo and Daud and ended with Emily, Billie and - depending which ending you chose - the human!outsider.