I bought it for the horses because I'm a horse girl without a horse. That's fine. It's better that way. I got a cat now so that's nice.

Anyway, though I had too much fun collecting horses, I actually didn't ride that much in the game because I would stumble over much more shit that I enjoyed, when I just walked around. Especially in regards to the korok sidequest.

It's the first Zelda in years that managed to show me the "game over" screen and I fucking love it for that. It's frustrating that your weapons can break but for me it was amazing to see how fast I just accepted that and dealt with it. Sure, I would scream in frustration sometimes but I never had the feeling the game was unfair or cheating.

The soundtrack is - esp. for a Zelda - kind of minimalistic and less pompous than the previous ones. Sure, it can go there but for most of the time it just accentuates my journey and leaves me alone.
That was weird. Not bad. Just weird.

I also really liked the storyline, which I didn't do since Majora's Mask I think so yeah, there's that.

No cats though, so that sucks. But you get to feed the dogs.
But you can't pet them. I'm sure that's a crime. ;)

One of the rare games that has a heart. The characters are weird and the same goes for the story and sure the gameplay is shitty and the graphics to run for but I was actually interested in what was happening to the characters and felt for them like I rarely do.

The game stayed with me after finishing it. I don't get that so often. So yeah, awesome.

Also, the dog gets petted and is plot relevant. That'S also nice.

Not my first JRPG but the first one that I absolutely loved and was obsessed with when I first played it at 16. Replayed it last year and it still holds up mostly.

You can also ride a weird pink camel thing and pet the weird dog.

Had to take one star from it because it's the reason I may have a skewed perspective of characters with white hair.

Fuck you, Ramirez!

The riding mechanics make sense when you see the making off and hear them talk about how they sat on a horse the first time for research purposes and then never again.
It's a bit frustrating to say the least. Either Wander is a shit rider (then how did he do all these tricks on that goddamn horse?!) or the game designers really didn't enjoy their riding lesson. I know what I pick.

Anyway, I've done horrible things to that horse like all of us probably have just to see what would happen. Or because the mechanics sucked.

Maybe I had way too much fun to fall over the turtles, too... (it's cute bc they retreat into their shell if you do it right!)

Beside that is a gorgeous game that thanks to its open, mostly barren world, lack of soundtrack (unless in the fights and cutscenes) and well used camera gives you the feeling of being tiny and lonely in a way I haven't experienced in a game since playing SotC.

The Soundtrack is gorgeous and really pushed adrenaline through my body maybe because it was so rare to hear music in that game: The times WHEN you hear it suddenly matter more. There's a reason it's one of the few OSTs I not only on CD but also on Vinyl.
I mean - beside that fact that the LP looks great and I get to feel pretentious for a minute.

You have to kill white tailed lizards though and those bastards are slippery af. The controlls are something one has to get used to but it's well worth the experience.
At least, it was for me.

Awesome OST, epic story, great gameplay, unique graphic style at the time - I don't get why this game is not more famous.

You also get to feed birds and dogs and cats and carry them around and shit, so that was also a big plus for me. uu

Look, this was my first stealth game and I hate first person so the game really had the odds stacked against it.

Played it because I found it cheap and fell in love with the game play and art style. The story is...well, there. ABsolute lack of female characters that actually matter and the non lethal option for one of the enemies was really creepy. You now the one. Thing is that the developers recognized this and fixed this in the second game.

Sometimes the game really frustrated me but that had more to do with me not being patient than the game itself I think. I actually had the feeling that I got rewarded when I didn't just jump in but waited and watched and learned about the routes the people would take and where I could hide so they couldn't see me. That was nice!

I like rats so it was no fun to kill them though. Oh well. :/

I love how they took the critique to the first game and actually listened. We now have female guards, witches, Emily as a protag and I loved it. Still think the Outsider is a dick for giving Emily her mother's heart but that's who he is so what did I really expect? :/

Found the villainess to be rather sympathetic which was also nice!

I was this close to writing "the wasps made me antsy!" holy shit. I mean- they did but...yeah.

I also enjoyed Emily's powerset and the tiny ways the player got to explore who she is. Feels like a continuation from what Corvo got in the first part.

The songs the bards played were also really, really nice!

I didn't expect Billie to become a protagonist but here we are! :D Nice surprise!

I really liked this one and think it's a nice end to the story that started with Corvo and Daud and ended with Emily, Billie and - depending which ending you chose - the human!outsider.

I will never ever like Rockstar's gameplay choices. The amount of times I accidentally pointed a gun at people or punched them (or my horse) when I just wanted to get in the damn saddle or greet them was embarrassing. And amusing of course.

I had too much fun hunting innocent wildlife I think but I got eaten by bears often enough to balance my in-game karma I guess.

Some mane color options that looked a bit more natural would have been appreciated too. I mean: It's easy to find your horse if it's got a blinding white mane wit purple tips but that was a weird break in immersion that I don't get why it exists.

I waited 8 years for this game and would have gladly waited 8 more years if in exchange for no one in the developer team having to do crunch time. It makes me furious to think about that.
Because yes, this is a masterpiece and I love it and cherish it and own the ost and limited box and all the jazz but I have played other games that were MORE memorable for me, who I own MORE merch from and wrote fricking FF for and I highly doubt that that the development of those games was as shitty as that of rdr2.

It's also really a downer story. Why do people think "grown up" or "adult" stories have to be depressing...?

Also, you can't pet the cat and there's only one breed of them. What the fuck, that's cat erasue.
The dog's are cute tho.

Beside that I had much fun playing my little pony with this one. Probably wasn't the intention but here we are. Insert shrug emoji.
We need emoji's here.

I was obsessed enough with this game to import a poster of it from the US. I own the hand in killer7 book, that I can't read bc it's in Japanese, the grasshopper artbook that thankfully got a translation and the OST that started me always perking up as soon as I know that Masafumi Takada did the score for a game.

I was a bit obsessed when the game came out.

Looking back at it and having played parts of it again two years ago, it lost a bit of it's charm for me.

I think I wouldn't like it as much if I had played it as an adult with the current state of games and esp indie games. Back then - for me at least - Killer7 was the word almost avant-garde game with it's weird graphics, antique railways-system-gameplay and confusing storyline.
But now there are more games like this or maybe it just feels like that too me I don't know.

I love it to bits and pieces but it is absolutely not for everyone and I get it when people don't like it. It's violent, it's confusing and definitely not easily accessible. Still glad it exists.

One of my favorite games that is also a really good example of well written female characters and mental illness. For a game that is often so bleak in it looks and unforgiving in the punches it delivers it has an ending (meaning the canon ending) that is not overly happy but hopeful. Made me cry like the stupid bitch I am but also left me hopeful and with something that felt like catharsis...?

One of my few "I have it on vinyl" OSTs, too whatever that means. ;)

I don't remember the option to pet any of the cats. Kind of crime I think...!

Still prefer this one to OoT. It just feels...rounder? I loved the world, the characters the sidequests...and just had the feeling there was more to do for me than in OoT.

The eerie atmosphere and the way sidestores would have different dialogue or outcome depending on what you did and WHEN you did it is still something that makes it stand out among the Zelda games. I cared for these weirdos. Even when they were annoying idiots and even though someone should have called PETA on Link for RIDING A FOAL but whatever.
Rolling around as a goron was way more fun anyway.

You also get to watch dog races and even hear the little buggers talk if you have the right mask.

Other fun activity is raising chickens by making them join your military march band for a minute and preventing cow theft by shooting aliens with arrows.

Instead of learning for my Abitur I played this. Actually had ordered the Wii version bc I thought getting a Wii would be easy.
thank the person who managed my amazon order and accidentally sent me the gc version instead. I was a happy little student who knew they should learn but didn't. Still got my Abitur, so go figure.

The game had so many cool items I used once and never again :/ I know a lot of people like it because it's dark but I couldn't get into it. I also think that pulling the "oh no! The kids got kidnapped" shit twice in a row is not a good move. I didn't care about the kid who was creepy to my horse, stop making me save it!

I did like to run around as a wolf though. Still disappointed that my horse never had anything of value to say to me.
At least, there was a horse...
...Looking at you, skyward sword...!

I found the dungeons to be rather frustrating though, esp. the ice one.

I also think this game is the reason that people started to find ganondorf hot. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

EDIT: Forget everything I said. GOTY! You can PICK UP the CATS in the town and CARRY THEM AROUND!

Except for the water temple, the dungeons are fun and I liked the story. The soundtrack is awesome, too. The world itself is kind of barren and lifeless which I weirdly never noticed as a kid. Going back to it, it's not as great as I remembered but still a good game.

Also, Epona debuted in this game which was nice! Agitate the chickens while riding the horse made it look like an army made of angry chickens follows my command. Weird. But nice.

I remember the hate the game got because of its art style.
It's good to see that people now don't mind it or even like it because of it.

The wide sea areas where annoyingly large and barren and finding the triforce pieces was a nightmare. That Tekla was suddenly a rather demure character after her Zelda reveal was weird too but I liked the story well enough.
No horse this time but a speaking boat.

Could have done without that but here we are.

Also liked the rather sympathetic ganon characterization. His last words always kinda stuck to me even though they were not even that good I think...