my friend dragged me into this hell of a game i will never forgive him.

also minus half a star bc i cannot stand the feather

peak pokemon (i was a depressed kid with a wii)

the closest humanity was to world peace

the trolley problem gay game edition

my room in shambles but at least the pixels are in order

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its a bit of a shame i didn't fully experienced this as it should be since i first watched it from a streamer. i kept playing but still it did not hit the same bc of this same reason. but that's my fault haha.

What really did hit me though is the final track in the ost, Bliss. i guess its making reference to the windows XP default wallpaper that goes by the same name. It's funny, because the track makes me feel so... melancholic. The fact the title is referencing the early internet era while sounding so sad yet comforting... and at the same time you are the one deleting kinito... it feels like saying goodbye to this period of time when i was little... like leaving my childhood behind.

idk why im getting all emotional over one track about a virtual assistant axolotl. maybe it's bc i did not have many friends back then and i was pretty attached with all my virtual pets and video games. all these memories are so blurry yet i hold to them dearly. I miss my windows xp PC that my family had. it was fun even if i was only like 5yo. Maybe kinito represents all that... for me at least.

TLDR im getting nostalgic over an axolotl

thank you toby fox for creating lesbians and trans people

minus half a star because of koopaling erasure, but perfect in every other aspect.

i live for tan daisy

i want villagers to tell me to kms

you either put your friends and family here or the entire freddy fazbear gang and wait for them to have babies

i miss the days where i would play this after school

humanity was not the same after this one

The artstyle is cute. That’s all it has. Pretty disgusting and edgy for no reason. I want to believe the creator was a teenager while making this
EDIT: apparently the creator is a victim of SA, so my apologies. I guess that explains everything. Still gross, but I guess that’s how they used to cope at the time.

accurate depection of a mentally ill young adult