Everything was so perfect except for Big Shell's Level Design, I didn't like it

One of Capcom's hidden gems

Must play

Best comeback for a franchise

The first game's success was never a coincidence

There's a glitch in the plane crash sequence, I can't pass through

It's been so long since the last coop game I've played

Someone told me that this game is way better psychologic experience than Silent Hill, So I'll compare them.
as a Silent Hill fan I thought like whatever this game is I have to play it as a Silent Hill fan.
First of all the engine this game uses is the one that half life uses and that's a good thing cuz it fits the game and art direction it's like a PS2 game with remastered graphics, the gameplay is so smooth and fast paced it depends on your FPS games experience, something I didn't find in Silent Hill.
I love the gloomy atmosphere here it reminded me of Silent Hill atmosphere but not as beautiful as the one in Silent Hill.
The soundtracks of the games is so beautiful and some of them are cozy and has some winter vibes and that one soundtrack that has some Berserk vibes that made me so satisfied.
I didn't like the jump scares they're cheap ASF and don't add that much of the horror and creepiness, one of the things that made me love the game is its enemies they so creepy some of them representing children and when you defeat them they make a crying baby sounds and that creeped and annoyed me also their designs some of them are just typical enemies and some them are inspired by Silent Hill.
The only thing I hated about this game is the story, simply disappointment, you have a beautiful world, atmosphere, smooth fast gameplay but not a good story?
In total I enjoyed this game I had the best 5 hours of my week playing it
I recommend this to anyone who didn't play psychological horror game this will be a good entrance to the genre

Until Dawn was way better than this