Having the "voices" in Senua's head straight up tell the player solutions to the game's awful and easy puzzles might be the most baffling design choice I've seen in a game this year. Simultaneously being the single most embarassing example of excessive hand-holding in AAA games and massively undermining what these games are trying to say about mental health.

Still though, this is probably better than the first game simply because there's less "gameplay." The puzzle and combat sections in the first game were terrible, and I guess Ninja Theory wasn't confident in their ability to improve those aspects so they wisely decided to just strip those sections down and commit more to the walking simulator and cinematic aspects, which are mostly well done.

Fun initial gameplay loop but progression pacing is way off, everything before the elite 4 feels like it happens too fast and the lull between the elite 4 and the next region is nightmarishly slow. Also the "active" elements like the safari zone and dungeon crawling kinda suck.

A ton of potential but I think it'll need some significant updates and retooling before I go back to it.

Incredible aesthetics and core gameplay dragged down by some terrible writing and weak roguelite elements.

"It's like a cross between Halo 2 and Halo 3"

No dunkey, you're underselling yourself there, it's better than both of those.

The shooting is magnificent. Honestly most third person shooters from this era are mediocre in terms of gameplay but Max Payne 3 plays as well as anything in the genre even today. The level and encounter design doesn't really live up to how good the shooting feels but it's definitely better than say, Uncharted or something. Hard to believe that Rockstar would go on to make some of the clunkiest games on the market with RDR2 and GTA V. The story was kinda nonsense but the characters and dialogue still made it entertaining, Max Payne is always saying the funniest shit and I love how it's played completely straight.

Fun to kill an hour, multiplayer would take this game to the next level

I really wanted to like this game more. The VA and music are all pretty good, and while I didn't love the artstyle it was definitely unique. But once I saw the game's "true" endings I didn't have any motivation to continue exploring other routes. The main issue is that the game is full of these meta elements that are cool on paper, but doesn't do enough for me to actually care about the characters and world that contextualize the cool meta things the game tries to do. So ultimately, none of the game's big moments and grand reveals really had much impact for me.

Definitive mode mod makes this game just as good as Aria, if not better.

Why was this the one roguelite that actually got mainstream awards attention again?

When the shitty AAA publisher actually makes a really good game for once but nobody buys it 😐😐😐

Story, characters and dialogue were a noticeable step down from the first game. But the improvements in combat, variety, side content, exploration, and level design were enough to offset the story downgrade (which for the record, is still quite good, just not nearly as tight or consistent as the writing of the first game, which I consider one of the better stories in AAA gaming). The new Valhalla DLC (which is completely free) really tied this game up nicely for me, offering a more satisfying ending than the somewhat flabby and rushed final act of the base game, and managed to adapt the game's excellent combat framework into a genuinely fun and replayable roguelite mode that can easily last you 10+ hours.

Overall, if you ask me if 2018 or Ragnarok was better? I don't know, 2018's excellent storytelling and direction probably made it more memorable, and it probably would have been my answer if you asked me a year ago. But after playing the DLC I'm basically split 50/50 now.

They cooked, EA Motive needs to be given the keys to a brand new Dead Space/Dead Space 2 Remake

I actually think I slightly prefer this to the first game. Yeah the third case is really bad but half the runtime is made up of the 4th case which is the best case in the original trilogy. The 2nd case is also pretty good and the first case, while not amazing, is overhated imo.

12 hours in and this might be my favorite roguelite ever. Even more addicting than STS somehow.

I do wish there was a little more balance in the bosses, some of them feel like runkillers 80 percent of the time, especially on higher stakes. Whereas some of the other ones are complete pushovers that don't affect most builds.