In all the times I played this I have never lost a game once. I am unstoppable.

The blue shell alone makes this game 5 stars. But enough about that. I like how Worlds 4 & 7 are hidden and off the beaten path or whatever. You get freedom in what order you wanna do things in, but the game is never like, "hey there's a fork in the road here you can go wherever you like isn't that cool how we laid this out for you wooooah" If you wanna do things in whatever order you want you gotta work for it. You have to beat the World 2 boss while mini to get to World 4 and you have to beat World 5 while mini or find the cannon in World 4 to get to 7. I like that better than, say, Mario Wonder where it's like "hey here's some worlds you can choose which one to do first" and they like show you all your options. Like the camera pans over to all of them. I like how this game does it better. Whenever I say I like an old game better than a new game I feel like one of those annoying "uhhh video games used to have SOUL. Now they're SOULESS." people but like agggh I just prefer the old one im sorry you know? I don't know if I'm making any sense here just ignore me and this review! Pay me no attention!

I played this again I raced against my friends and one of them won becasue he used a glitch that I was aware exsisted but didn't know how to pull off. Is that fair? Let me know in the comments and fon't forget to like and subscribe

If you play this game I recommend not looking up anything about it at all beforehand just go in completely blind it'll be great dude!
And if (when) you get completely stuck and you've exhausted all your options with no idea what to do then you can look at the game's manual or a guide. The manual is like essential to understanding how to play this game but going in blind is really fun because this game is just crazy. The controls are awkward and it's pretty short and it's basically a tech demo for the stretching mechanic but it has so much style and charm imo
Multiple bosses use the same "Damnit!" voice clip with different pitches and filters and it's pretty funny
I love the hand scarf it looks really cool

I'm not usually into these types of games but I had a good time because I played it alongside some friends. Rodeo is the best villager hes awesome

I beat this game last year so this log for today is for me beating it with Noise


I haven't gotten all the Chaos Emeralds and gotten the true ending yet but I got the normal ending and this game is really good
The music isn't as good as the first Rush game but it's still good. And the level design is slightly better than Rush. The biggest improvement is the boss battles though. I love (most) of the bosses in this game, especially the one with the colored wrecking balls you have to knock into, that one is sooo fun. The ocean exploration aspect is pretty cool too, although I could've done without the materials and the crafting and all that. But drawing your path with the stylus and finding the secret islands and stuff is really novel. I can't tell whether I like this game or Rush better. I'm leaning more towards Rush maybe

Pretty awesome game. Mostly because of the music, but the gameplay is pretty good too. I like the boost mechanic and the midair tricks. The special stages were pretty cool too
I hated the bosses though. There's an "Easy Mode" that, to my knowlege, lowers each boss's max HP from 8 to 6 and that's literally the only thing that's different than normal mode. Don't mind if I do! Hohohohohohoho!
But yeah, this is a super stylish game. The music, the graphics, the menus, it's all really cool. I really appreciate when video games put a lot of effort into being stylish. Even games that might not be very good otherwise, as long as there's like a really good sense of style, that's enough to keep me interested. Not that this game isn't good. It's really good. I'm just talking in general here. Aw man I'm rambling now woahhah I'm going on a tangent oooohhhhhhwoowwoow

Only played the battle mode but like with Advance 2, I had a fun time.
Except for the stage with the slow moving platform you have to stand on the whole time, that one sucked. And there was another stage (either in this game or Advance 2, I can't remember) that I got lost in and couldn't figure out where to go. But that might've just been because of the hecticness of the battle mode. But yeah overall, it was a pretty enjoyable time
Like with Advance 2, I oughta play the whole game someday

I only played the battle mode but I liked it
It was really fun to play through the stages, but I bet it'd be even more fun singleplayer so I wouldn't have to worry about the time limit and being mercilessly attacked by other players and stuff. I gotta play the full game someday. And every other Sonic game. And every other game. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!

I only had the demo of this on my 3ds as a kid and whenever you hover over it in the home menu it would play a clip of Rayman saying "Yay!" and I would do that over and over and it would annoy my sister.
And now after all these years I finally played the full game.

Was an excellent 2d platformer. Very satisfying to play although there were a few moments near the end where you have to make some reeeeaaallly percise jumps and I got a little frustruated... but I know that's a skill issue thing though
My favorite part of this game is the sound design. The music is all really great and memorable. Replaying the Tricky Treasure levels 1,000 times never got old because that song is just so awesome. Nothing brings me more joy than getting one of those big Lums that turns them all red and starts singing that song. This game is just so delightful audio-wise. And I love the artstyle too
I'll get around to playing Legends one of these days... maybe...
Why did they only make 2 of these games and then stop forever. And why does the PC version of Legends require the Ubisoft launcher whatever its called I don't care. Ubisoft is so awesome.

This has a lot in common with the Mario & Luigi 3ds remakes except this game is like 100x worse. Or maybe its good idk I couldn't see anything when I was playing.
They moved the save point and health refiller in Santa's house but the map on the bottom screen still shows them in their original positions.
Also the music sucks really bad except for Eyes of Flame (the boss theme) that one sounds good but the rest of the music is terrible

I only played the battle mode
It sucked but I could maybe see the special stages being fun if they didn't use gyro controls and make you repeatedly snap your neck

The fact this game was made by 1 guy in 2004 and is as good as it is is the most inspiring thing I could think of. I first played this on the Wii via the demo when I was like 11. I had just figured out how to connect my Wii to the internet and I was looking on the Wii Shop Channel for free stuff to play and thats when I found the demo. I wasn't very good at it, and it took me a long time to figure out where to go, so I was like "wow this demo is pretty long this must just be the whole game in this demo woah!!!!!"
I think this might've been the first time I was exposed to non- triple A videogames
I'm glad I was finally able to beat it after all these years

Not as good as Super Paper Mario