Very interesting stuff, most of the forth wall breaking is outdated sadly, so it doesn't have much effects and it's also used a lot, making it just annoying by the end of the game, but there's a lot more quality to the game than this.

The ambience is really worked on, the narrative structure is not only interesting, but also complimented by a mysterious and thrilling story that always makes us ask questions. The gameplay system is interesting, even if spamming magic can be overcheated (but also make the combat so looooong). Some scenes have really good idea, and the gameplay can seem dated, but using clanky gameplay to survive in this harsh world actually woks very well for the design and the emotions the game makes us feel.

It's an incredible mess and i writing a review for this game make me feel like i'm diving in a huge messy place trying to put some order to understand what the hell i'm looking at.

You have one side, with an incredible gameplay, some absolute banger track, some story parts that are emotional and intense and eye candy etc... The substories ? Hard time deciding if they're better than seven, but they're very good.

And now the other side : after the later half of the game, the pacing become insane, with huge stretches that does not make me want to play the game. It also have huge scaling issues, even worst than seven on that front, the ennemies are far less fun to beat the more u advance in game, despite the huge amount of move u can discover.
Some substories are just weird ? not funny weird, just plain weird in how they resolve themselves, to the point where i ask myself if the writer had any idea on how to conclude those.

I think it's one of the greatest game i've ever played.

It faces our inner self, faces the taboo of it in a very frontal way and express an explosion of feelings toward it. Sometimes it's unfair, sometimes it's absurd, it's horrendous, dark, but it's there. Now what are you going to do about it ? the game asks.
And that's the game, really. Every emotions a human can feel is being felt here, and everytime you think the game cannot be bolder than it is, it impresse.
The gameplay is a reflection of that, the JRPG turn based side of things, superposed on top of the harsh and cold world the game present to us, make for something almost cynical but very fun, and representative of our character.
The game expand on it's character with every little moment it can, how this group of friend face the world and fight against it's darkest part. And by darkest part, the game shows that it's not "the bottom of the society" but the authority trying to erase it.
Graphically, it's great, not incredibly so but i prefer when it's not full of details because if so the developers spend hours upon hours on not useful things.
Minigames are here to be a fun time waster, and something to release the pressure, and it does so mildly. It can be glitched and hard (even if justified at times). But all of this makes for an absolute incredible game.

Does a review about a gameboy game even matter in this day and age ?

I want to talk about it : this game is creative, it has more creativity in it's world building than most mario game, even recent ones, it's refreshing and funny, it helps incorporate good gameplay mechanics and it's just a genuinely good surprise on this part.
The game is short, doesn't have the best power up, but stand out with a pretty cool art direction for a gameboy game, and no limit on the level u can choose. The game is not based on a slow ramping up of the difficulty, but a showcase of ideas, and it's flying, illuminating even. The game is great.

Problems ? yeah, not every ideas are good, the progression in levels can be inequal and, as said before, the power ups doesn't change much, except adding a bit of resistance to your character. There's also a problem that is inherent to the "showcase of idea" side of the game, which is : the game never really expand on those ideas. Not every idea need to be worked much on, of course, but keeping every idea short and not doing much with it made them feel superfluous and not that important, when some ideas show promise and even would have made the game better, but you cannot expand on those ideas without changing the pacing of the game, in some way it would make the game worse.

this game feels like they gave it every idea they had in reserve from the past games, the kind of idea you can include only once without being too much.

Between the fun outfit change, some minigames coming back from the dead and a brand new style of fighting, an absurd style that doesn't always feels good but some of those moves u can pull in it are just so fun, the game feel like a love letter to the brawler combat of yakuza, with some things fans always wanted.

Incredible beginning, incredible ending, the rest is actually more than decent with characters whose presence is really felt across the game, even some that did become new favorites of mine. Crazily enough, writing this review helps me realize how much i do love this game.

There are some interesting sidequest, and some really really good one, some are boring though but that's the usual mix, just less good than Y7.

The colloseum have a lot of unusefull characters, some that are so dumb they wouldn't fly in most other game franchise, but here, as bad as they control, they fit in and are always incredibly fun ot try to use, as bad as they are.

Yeah, if i had a word for this game it would be fun. I cried, i laughed, and i had so much fun. I love these games.

As someone who loved the yakuza games, i really did not like this game.

The protagonist is boring in terms of personality, the sidequests are some of the worst of the series, alternating between boring and a bit funny but nothing much, filled out with some horrendous chasing scenes, uninteresting mysteries and barely used mechanics.

This game does the incredible action of taking a gameplay that was unique and lovely, pulling out the funniest things from it and proceed to fill it with the most uninteresting gameplay idea, most of which already done by other games and most of the times way better.

The fighting styles are honestly not bad, with a wall jump that is satisfying to use for sure. Some story moment and the cinematography of the game are interesting and definitely high lights.

I could write thousands of lines of why i think this game genuinely sucks, but i also understand that i'm in the minority. If u want to play this game, don't stop yourself at my review and go check out other review.

Edited to be more precise : The game is definitely interesting, there is a sense of evolution presence in the game, and that's the finality of it's design.
It gets repetitive, incredibly so, the only thing pushing the player is seeing how absurd it can gets, and the incredible presentation (from the art style to the music, it's all flooring) but it never really gets anywhere, a better level design would have made this a way better game.

I love yakuza 5, it experiments with the series, the substories are fun, the writing is miles better than previous games and the side games are just a marvel. I love the innerant sadness there is to it, i love how surprising it constantly is, and how it never hesitate at getting absurd.

Is there some problems with the game ? Yeah. The pacing is a nightmare, with a part two who tries to give us this big escape and then give us the whole city right afterward, part three can be a bit harsh, the constant random encounters are a problem too. But i'd be lying if i said it wasn't one of my favorite yakuza

i honestly thought i would enjoy the game a lot more now that it isn't a life service. I didn't.

Movements are stiff, some heroes are so much better than the rest it's laughable, iron man and thor are just miles better than the other ones. The music is forgettable, the missions range from three hallways with some enemys that are barely going to attack you to a full blown city that is boring to explore since u either have the flying heroes and it's fast, take a few minutes and that's it or u have any other heroes, where moving 300 metter to open one chest is just not worth it.

Honestly the only good things i got from this game are the skins, that are mostly free now. they're funny to look at. I like them. I wish other super hero game had that many skins.

You have to accept that things are going to take some times with this game, with this entire series if i trust the JRPG community.

I love a lot of things about this game : it rewards the player's willingness to search for details and take parts in the universe in a great way, the gameplay, while tedious, is interesting and can be very fun at times, the constant works toward getting better is an integral part of the story, same for the sidequest which are included in a good way, easy for the writters to create them and satisfying for the players to play through them. They're not always interesting, but this works for the universe of the games.

The graphics are pretty, and there is a tons of extra sprites to represent the characters, it implements the world well.

The slow story reminisced me of those 90's RPG and also made a game where the creators didn't fear making those slow and emotional moments. Making the game world breath through the players, never trying to go too fast and telling what is overall a pretty sweet story.

this critic was written fast, sorry

Really liked them, even when VLR went completely crazy on me.

The math based puzzle are always a bad idea, since people who love math solve them fast and people who doesn't solve them spend 3 billion hours crying.

The first one was better in nearly every way but the second game is a cool time too

It's a reallu fun game, my biggest gripes with it is that the more you play it, the easier it becomes. Start as a very hard game and ends up being chill

Not a pikmin like, more like a platformer using something ressembling the pikmin formula to make the player progress (using them to make platform etc...)

I think there's a few bad point, the design of the aliens sucks, the music can get seriously repetitive and the tinykin aren't always fun to use especially the last species you unlock. Also the 2D character that aren't really good looking on the 3D background which is pretty good by itself.

Nonetheless the game is a really good one, it's sweet, exploring the house as a little thing is a really good idea for a platformer and the side quest always leads to some pretty cool platforming.

Talking about the platforming, the design here can be very fun, and full of ideas using the tinykin in fusn and exciting way.

I have played the first game up to completion for now.

The word that would come to mind : chill.
It's not a very hard game (albeit not easy either) so it doesn't take too much brain power, it's fun to figure out where are the hidden gems using the level design and the artistic direction are not only pretty good, but works very well on a relatively low end computer.

Bad points for me : Collecting gems feels incredibly useless, and that's what you spend most of your time doing, it's not hard, the remake even incorporate a help from the little fly who follows you, but just collecting the one that are right beside the player is mind numbing.
The bosses are a problem too, I like them in concept, the idea of combining platforming, running and attacking for each of them is good but they're so easy you end up asking yourself "what's the point".
This is what i asked myself when i finished the first game actually. I have a lot of hope for the second and third one, i know they alternate the gameplay in those, just like in the crash bandicoot trilogy so I'm waiting for now.
It was still pretty fun and i can recommend it already for the 3D platformer lover.

Old but still fun to go through.

It's hard to know how to defeat the bosses, but once you know it's doable in one or two tries making some pretty frustrating fights. The story is fun but mildly forgettable, the characters are dante, u will only remember him after two month anyway.

A disappointing final boss too. But overall it's still a game that is enjoyable because of the pretty unique atmosphere mixing horror and jokes. A fighting system which offers possibility and jungling. A pretty outdated level system who makes for a great impressions for those who wants to thinks of themselves are video games archeologists but break the pace of the game.