80 reviews liked by pirosvs

Anyone playing analogue poker in las vegas is a total loser when they could be playing Balatro instead and collect funny little joker cards.

In my opinion this is one of those games that suffers from being open world more than it benefits from it. The absurd amount of crafting ingredients makes even the purple item pickups not be something I'm excited about. The vast open space and the refusal to have any way to track questlines makes content even more missable than they already were in Dark Souls. The amount of very similar catacombs and mines with the same bosses just to fill the empty space sucks.

But in terms of action, this is probably the best it has ever felt. I was also way more invested in the storyline than in any other souls game because this is a world that feels alive and able to be meaningfully changed. This is also a really pretty game, it's nice to finally see a color other than gray in a Souls game and all the designs are really cool. The spirit ashes are another way to grant you the power to adjust your own difficulty and it's much appreciated.

There are a lot of interesting ideas here that I really like, like the whole prosperity points system, irrigation and the setting itself, but it feels like there's no interest in doing anything more interesting with them than having them as a background to an otherwise generic Stardew Valley farming cozy game of the month. I really enjoyed this when I was playing it, but looking back at it now just makes me sad.

Weird, gay, kinda spooky. Loved every minute of it.

A decently short game that aims to capture the feeling of the 90's era internet through interactive puzzles. The entire online environment the game is built on is incredibly detailed, funny, and filled with 90's era charm. While I really love the atmosphere the game creates, the puzzles it offers to the user sometimes gets lost under the hundreds of webpages it lets the user explore. On several accounts, I had found myself lost, aimlessly clicking on every website on the list provided, just trying to find an answer, or even a clue to a case I was trying to solve. When the final puzzle rolled around I found myself consulting a walkthrough a few times just to get myself unstuck due to the sheer amount of content I had to search through for answers. Now, I do think the puzzles have a decently logical progression, and with enough time I would have figured them out, but I do think a bit more guidance from the game in some areas would have helped a lot, especially around the 3rd (4th?) act of the game.

Truly an astonishing labor of love, when you look at both the depth and breadth of what was created. The actual game of it all can be a bit thin, and the ending caught me off guard because I didn't realize I had actually reached it, but this is a fantastically transportive experience to a place that was fundamentally real for so many people.


I really love the puppet show aesthetic, especially the bits where you can see the sets and props in the background. The music is also really good! I thought the gameplay was pretty generous at first with giving you a comprehensive tutorial right off the bat, but it's actually pretty hard since you only get continues if you catch enough of the boss drops. Apparently this game was easier in the Japanese version, and I prefer it that way.

I wish more games put different genre costumes on characters for every level. Mario Party 2 ran so Kingdom Hearts could walk.

shout out to 10 year old me, already neck-deep into her 'not like other girls' phase, who considered her secret love of this game to be her most shameful and unforgivable character flaw