The sex minigame felt so real...

I played this when it first came out and I have to say this is one of the WORST indie games I have ever played. The developer would've made better money if he stuck to either developing roblox games or making fursuit commissions.

The one student I caught playing this in class, I stood him up in front of the class and smashed his hands with a ruler, NO student of mine will play this garbage!

This game is a sad excuse for an Indie game -- a soulless cash grab. I spent good money expecting to beat a long, heartwarming story. Instead, I was met with shitty graphics, shitty fan art, shitty porn, dog shit. The fact my 11 year old son was playing this was enough for me to send him away to boarding school. Seriously, fuck this game.

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I gave this game three stars, but for mainly one reason. When my wife is not home, I secretly jerk off to the blindfolded white haired chick.

I really wanted to give this game a better review, it had a great story, great character casting, etc. But, I just cannot recommend this game due to the sheer amount of pornography present amongst the main characters. I often found myself having to cover the screen due to the characters being underaged. SEGA is truly a sick company for this...

i had fun with it... until i saw skyler NUDE!

this game literally is touching... touching to MY family that is. I MYSELF HATED IT! the developers also came out and said they were from "Cambridge, MI"

Don't tell my wife, but wowzers I have jerked off to one of the default skins. That's the only reason I'm rating it as high as I am. This game is nothing but a clusterfuck of teenagers who say they're tough as shit. They're nothing but a bunch of slutty lemon eaters who jerk off to rat porn. END OF DISCUSSION

I masturbated to the judge from Ace Attorney... great game!


THIS GAME NEEDS TO DIE!!! This game has caused so many mass violence acts within the United States. All my students who play this I IMMEDATELY send to the "social-worker" in my building. TAKE THIS DOWN NOW!

Every masterpiece... has its cheap copy. I think this game's map is very tiny -- let alone, smaller than "Genshin Impact's" map. This game is pop-culture-movie-theater-band-kid-nintendo-switch garbage and like I stated previously, this game infringes on "Genshin Impact's" engine. Please call the cops to get this crap taken down.


I don't think I can fathom my hatred for this car game... canonically their "blinkers" are the female "boob" system. This franchise was ruined the moment it fell into Blizzard's hands.

I ADORE Mercy, I snuggles have a Mercy body pillow! My students also tell me they stroke their willies to her.