Took me three years on and off but finally beat this. Real good game.

That's your campaign? Jesus Christ. Maybe you should give your most popular subbrand a good story but then again we didn't even get BOIV proper. BUT HEY BUY MWIV BECAUSE THE STORY ISNT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING DONE YET. A messy narrative that drops you in more or less expecting you to have played the MW seasons of Warzone (because Cold War, Vanguard, and whatever else murk the MW narrative waters) in addition to the trio minimum raids of MWII in order to pick up the plot. Try going from MWII to MWIII and guestimate the plot.. The jump for MW to MWII may as well have been stepping over a guardrail for how simple it was.

Call of Duty is lost and has been since they felt the need to pivot out of the AW and IW era of exploration. Now all players are stuck with is bland ass MW gameplay, the hint of promise Treyarch title, and whatever WWII game Sledgehammer wants to make. A reinvention needs to be made but how do you revitalize a concept that is stuck in it's glory days unable to grow because nostalgia sells too well? You can't because the cries for beloved characters will be too loud to ignore. The days of making memorable stories and characters for massive IPs is over. It died in the late 2000s and was put to rest in the early 2010s.

100% Completed Main Story on 02/24/2023.
The late middle onward save the story so much. Krieger is so goofy you have to enjoy him.

Engaging base story in "Driven to Glory" but not enough to justify continuing via paid seasons. A shame really. As someone who enjoy vehicle handling in Dirt 5 but not Forza Horizon 5, driving feels really nice here. Makes sense given that they're both Codemasters titles.

Campaign is an improvement over 2019. Enjoyed it pretty well enough despite a couple annoyingly difficult enemy encounters. That said we power through.

Was neat and has promise but it's not for me.

I could see some people getting really into unique designs but it just isn't for me.

Lots of fun. Highly recommend.

Largely forgettable story that's spread too thin, thank open world, and ends abruptly. Modern day was a bit better than Origins.

So I beat the game finally. Took me 4 years on and off but it's done. The open world was a nice idea but it's too large and doesn't allow for players to streamline the story cause of the leveling system. Not looking forward to Odyssey and Valhalla for that reason.

Story is pretty solid. MP gameplay is top tier. Needs much better customization though.