Little Nightmares got under my skin like few other experiences have, it's immersive and powerful.

Unbelievably surreal and realistically magical, Kentucky Route Zero is a unique work of art unlike any other, it cannot be adapted into a movie or be remade as a high budget game, it only works as it is, because Kentucky Route Zero's uniqueness isn't its visuals or gameplay, it's its entire essence.

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Really, REALLY loved the return of Lily, the second main character of season one who returned, she was poorly written in some moments, but overall it was great. Clementine was impeccably written though.

I like the overall cold mood and the story, but it's like an incomplete 0 with Kiryu only.

Dark, atmospheric, along with a soundtrack that makes it all memorable and terrifying.

The story is the best thing about it imo, the world and the lore, everything story-wise.

We don't deserve this game, it is FUN, and the soundtrack slaps. Great overall style as well.

Great in nearly everything it does, it's tons of fun online, the gameplay feels great and is incredibly responsive.
The story was surprisingly great.

The story is great, Jin Sakai is complex and memorable, the world and the art direction is beautiful , the gameplay is enough and it's fun.

Incredibly fast-paced and engaging, one of the best action games of all time.

Relaxing and fun to play, the story is surprisingly packed and emotional. The ultimate Spider-Man experience.

Badass, Kiwami 2 is just badass in all of its aspects.

My love and appreciation for this game is unexplainable, I'm just happy it exists, it resonates with me personally like no other experience does. The characters, the story, the lore, the soundtrack, PERFECT in what it is.

It makes DOOM 2016 which is a very good game, look like a boring slow-paced shooter with no flow.

It overdoes some things, but overall it's memorable and pretty atmospheric. It discusses serious themes, and does it well.