I have played this game for many hundred hours, I can confidently tell you that if you're into it, it NEVER gets old.

Crunchy, tight gameplay, super memorable boss fights and story, dark and thought-provoking. Near perfect.

The universe Remedy has created here is mind-blowing, the gameplay is fun and feels great.

So memorable, unique visual design and art style, the soundtrack all but matches it perfectly.

Easily one of my favorites of all time, I feel drowning in atmosphere whenever I play it. It's faithful to and respects the original Alien, not the crap franchise that followed it.


So engaging and unique in nearly everything it does, I respect Arkane for doing what they wanted, which clearly has no market in this time and day.


The ending, oh man the ending, still can't get it out of my head.

Really fun and atmospheric, GREAT soundtrack.

They could do so much more with it, but still pretty great, especially Rutger Hauer's voice acting, may he rest in peace.

The rain... the zombies... the hallways... the streets... the atmosphere of this game is insane.

I like hurting other people in this game, sorry.

One of the most memorable experiences I've ever had.