Started playing not too long ago and it's actually fun. As a veteran of BF and BF 2 this is obviously a bit switch, it's much more action and less tactical, also I'm much older now. So it feels very Call of Duty to me. But getting frags is fun and especially when you're used to playing CSGO it's a nice change from time to time.

AoE4 is in general a good game, yet it lacks the AoE feeling to me. The campaigns don't feel like campaigns, they feel like a series of skirmishes. It couldn't really keep me interested for longer than the first campaign.

Played on Gamepass.

Still the best teambased shooter out there. Every game is different, every match you have the chance to turn it around. You still go crazy over your own (or your teammates) stupidity, you still go crazy over any great play you made.

"Papers, Please" in 3D with more stuff to do. The game itself doesn't look too great, the movement is clunky and I generally enjoy the controlling more than the other stuff. But so far it's fun and a logical development from PP.

I'm not yet done, but boy, what a great game. I started this twice, first time I wasn't that impressed and stopped after around an hour. Second time around - after people told me how great it was - I put in at least 40 hours by now. Sure, it feels really Ubisoft-y, with all the stuff that keeps you busy. If I would've just concentrated on the main missions I would've completed it by now. But the whole biker theme, the backstory and the main character really hits home for me. I love being in this beautiful and scary world. I really hope for a Days Gone 2, but first I need to finish this one.

Great packaging, but the game isn't that deep. I got bored quickly by the lack of diversity in the enemies. The grinding, the level design, not for me.

One of the best sci-fi/horror shooters ever made, no wonder there was a remake.

Lots of nostalgia with this game. Played it as a wee boy and always came back for seconds. I remember when you only got tips from computer game magazines and there were tons of LIES about a key that finally got you the gas for the chainsaw. I remember at least two of these LIES and how I tried them. Trolls in 1987.

Anyways, my first Lucasfilm games adventure, I hold it very close to my heart. I managed to finish it with every ending if I remember correctly.

This is basically a Manian Mansion soft reboot. You pick two additional characters, go to a house, solve some puzzles, enjoy several different endings. It looks and feels 95% like MM, it's not as funny, obviously not as original and the nostalgia is there, but nothing will replace and repeat the feeling of playing MM on the C64 as a young teenager, barely able to understand English. This is as close as it gets though.

"Dredge" is a lovecraftian fishing boat simulator. At first you just go fishing, then it gets darker and darker. Absolutely addictive!

Redfall isn't bad. Sure, it has some audio and graphic issues, but – at least for me – it was playable enough. The problem is that it feels old. It looks like Left 4 Dead 2, but is it at least as fun to play? No. And that's the biggest issue: it's fucking boring. And the best joke is the 100 gb. You couldn't compress this PS3 game to 15 gb? Well, maybe you're really bad at your job.

This is the opposite of exciting gameplay. The first few hours are okay. But then it's for hours and hours and hours just the fucking same. This is like Dead Space if you take all the fun out of it. The devs seem to absolutely hate you, their only wish is to prolong the game. The real enemy in this game isn't the Xenomorph, it's the boredom and the developers.

I watch F1 and when I saw the game on Gamepass I finally decided to try out the manager. Then I realized I have absolutely no technical knowledge about cars and uninstalled it after an hour. No rating, just a 0/5 rating for me and my awful technical skills.

Masterpiece! I spent 125 hours on my first playthrough and tried to have a sexy time with most of the characters. Took me 50 hours to realize you can sort ALL the inventories at once. So my playthrough took probably 10 hours longer than it should.

My only wish is to seperate Russia's servers from Europe.