Want to hear a joke? Beat em ups.

The one time I played this I accidentally cut open the crotch of my pants on the top of a fence after getting lost and wandering into a restricted area

It's cool that games want to be political but can we get something that isn't infantile South Park tier shit that serves as de facto ideological justification for the atrocities of "liberal democracy"

They hate to see a girlboss winning

need to remake this with the doomer woman

The beginning of the only Nintendo Series to ask the question: what if you actually had to try?

This is the easiest Iga produced game but also the optional boss fights are god tier. Also imagine going to the barber and he somehow changes your race.

If you think this is difficult you suck at video games.

All these YouTube circlejerk Snes games are such snorefests man

Only non cringe CD Projekt Reddit game