Rare based moment from Urobutcher

Chloe is based and if you hate her you're a cringe moralist

I'm not usually big on the "so bad its good" schtick but oh boy

If you think this is difficult you suck at video games.

I'm not big on the 16 bit Castlevanias (they're a bit too easy) but Eric Lecarde is cool so it gets an extra star.

Your favorite wholesome Japanese auteur definitely likes this game and if you're in denial you're just coping

Kojima filters plebs once again with Sissy Hypno

Filled me with the exaggerated swagger of a black teen

Plots like this are basically the "we live in a society" meme but for left wingers. Cool presentation though.

The Anthony Fantano of video games. Ruined a whole generation of men.

This is the only video game for non brainlets