Joshua Kiryu really ruined my life for a good 7 years


I didn't cry but I wanted to I really did

I think everyone who relates to/kins James Sunderland or softboyifies him missed the entire point of the game

I have a really irrational hatred for this game and my friend gets mad at me everytime I shittalk it around her

It's awful and I love it I just can't bring myself to give it 5 stars even if I want to in my heart

I don't have any memories of this game besides replaying levels to throw apples and knock Pokemon into lava because I thought it was funny

My friends get really mad at me when I say this is the best Smash game that's ever been made

Played years and years ago and still holds up as one of the best games I've ever had the pleasure of playing. This game has more replayability than most others for me because of the relatively simplistic concept but moving story, incredible soundtrack and immersing gameplay despite how short it is. I would highly recommend to anybody who hasn't played it

As a fan of the series for ~15 years I honestly am not a huge fan. My least favorite Zelda game to date. I don't think that it's a bad game by any means, because it'd be a lie to say it's anything but incredibly well made, but I don't enjoy it whatsoever in comparison to the games from about 2014 and before. The dungeons and shrines felt more like a chore than something I could get immersed in, the soundtrack was forgettable to me, and I can't really name any characters that I love enough to remember things about. I don't like how different the gameplay is in comparison to other titles and it feels more like a spin-off to me. I didn't even enjoy the story and the lack of lore and connection to past games disinterested me further. But again, I don't think it's a bad game overall. I only prefer the older titles. I do think it's worth playing regardless, because it definitely can be a fun experience if you play it as what it is instead of focusing on older Zelda aspects (which is what I did and it made my experience much less fun, I used to dislike the game a lot more than I do now).