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5 days ago

qlip backloggd Neon White

5 days ago

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7 days ago

qlip commented on qlip's review of Breath of Fire III
they're not super important, you can get by without learning any

8 days ago

8 days ago

9 days ago

qlip reviewed Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
nintendo made a kaizo hack of their own game and charged full price for it and I somehow don't think it's the worst thing ever

I won't be telling you that japanese smb2 is some underappreciated or overhated hidden gem like other nes sequels but I will tell you that it's actually really, really funny. It just has this level of personality to it, like no other game of its time had the audacity to make you wait out a level timer or intentionally throw yourself into a pit to avoid being sent back to the very start of the game. Smb2 was always supposed to be "for experts". The devs weren't just doing this to arbitrarily extend playtime, they did this to troll people, and they probably thought it was funny too. It makes the lost levels, to me, a microcosm of a time where game development wasn't just a job, it was also hobby - it was more personal. I think this game is actually kinda awesome for being less curated, more bullshit and not well designed, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

9 days ago

qlip backloggd Baroque

10 days ago

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