The mystery is fun and the art style is really unique. But the best thing about Obra Dinn is the presentation.
The presentation elevates an okayish story to be so so much fun. It's a crime that a similar game hasn't been made again even after 6 years.
This will forever hold a dear space in my heart.
Memento Mori

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I physically cringed at the ending. the most unsuspecting, innocent, cute, timid, shy childhood friend being the mastermind!! who would've thought.
It was 4/5 before the ending.

Mid game. It was hailed as cult classic but failed to deliver. I guess not everything that was ever hyped actually delivered like Skyrim or Elden Ring.

Decent story, great art design and good scaling of puzzles. Overall, pretty short (5h~ if you're decent or 8-10h if you are a begineer in puzzle genre like me) but enjoyable, nonetheless.

This is one of the best puzzle game ever. The mechanics are fun and the story is compelling.
I got more than what I bargained for.

pretty enjoyable but hackers take that out too.

This is a disgrace to walking simulators. Only plus is aesthetics.

Story seemed interesting but flop hard midway onwards. walking is abysmally slow. map is a pain to handle.

The map designer was probably on some cheap acid. You can literally not walk over 1 foot stone cause oh they wanted area walled off. At least make it more believable. I can't be the only person scratching my head over why can't I go past, just cause my path is blocked by few rugs and straws.

I hear a lot of praise regarding this. People said it was a masterpiece. Dunno why anyone would call this clunky, slow, boring and piece of middle schooler writing riddled with fetch quests, one.

If you really want a masterpiece, go look at Outer Wilds or Disco Elysium.

The start was so strong that I geniunely thought it was a gem.
It's like they had a good story going on and then weren't able to connect the points.
I was pretty shocked to learn that talking randomly to some guy could end the game and it's the cannon ending at that, lmao.

Anyways, the gist is there's an interesting premise and the time loop stories are quite rare, so do give it a try but contain your expectations.

good game. i hated darks souls and still dislike it but if elden ring isnt a gem.
hard, quite frustrating but goodness do i love the explorations, the mystery and the lore.
combat is good against normal foes, quite weighty but against bosses it feels like a needle prickle. i dont mean the damage but the weapon feel is different, though it not bad there, just mid.
loved it though minus a star for some bullcrap added here and there just for the sake of it.

For how shit it looks , it's surprisingly good and addictive. After a period of visual readjustment, the graphics will grow on you.
One of the best tower defence ever. It's as dear to me now as Bloon TD6.
Though, I'd recommend the studio to hire a ui/ux designer or two.

Say what you will, but if this isnt the most impressive world then nothing is.
Sometimes, I just like to roam the world without a care. It's GTA but levels better. The world actually is somewhat alive. Still a little dumb but you'll feel right at home.


Good puzzles most of the time but some are way way too obscure.
But the most disgusting thing is the walk speed. I could make a cup of tea before 100m walk is completed in this game.
It reminds of those cheap games where developers remove sprint and turn down walkspeed down to a crawl to make the game time longer.
-2 stars for that alone.

I tried thrice getting into it. However, every time the devs kicked me in the teeth with that atrocious tutorial. They should really read up on those Factorio Devblogs.
Third time, I really tried and set up things. But after a few hours, the flaws were evident. I don't remember much now but the boredom was carved right it my brain.
I'm a sucker for tycoon and simulation games but this is just plain. I'd rather watch paint dry.

Fun and entertaining albeit quite slow at times. I didn't like how much progression was artificially controlled. Left a bad taste in my mouth, yuck.
Still give it a go. It's pretty cheap and is fun for a while