This is THE Pokémon game of my childhood, and for that, it gets 5 stars

Very fun, high skill ceiling. I logged like 30 hours in this game and felt like I was scratching the surface.
The chaos of 99 players is often frustrating.
I have a feeling that finding full lobbies will get difficult within a year or two.

The WoW expansion of my prime!
What a wonderful aesthetic and vibe.

I loved all kinds of PvP.

This game was very fun and also mindlessly easy.

I only played Zombies and gun game, but I played a lot of both.

This game has wide appeal for a reason! Farming, relationships, music, animation, combat.. the list goes on. Personally, I loved the farming and mining. I logged hundreds of hours in this game, and my farm was D-tier. I'll probably pick it up again someday.

I have not completed this game due to my own personality flaws. 4 stars is personal, not objective.

The music holds a very dear place in my heart.

I have not finished this game, but I've played a lot. It doesn't hold up perfectly. It's great mindless fun, and I look forward to playing its sequels.
Holy shit the radio is annoying, though.

This game is when childhood nostalgia and adulthood mindless fun co-exist in pure harmony.

Lord knows how many hours I logged in this game.

I still remember the feeling of rushing home to play.. and getting those killstreaks.

The co-op missions were really fun as well

The most perfect, modern iteration of Tetris.

I have logged hundreds of hours in this game. I do have quite a few wins!!

This game is fun and one of the most impressive artistic endeavors in scope and accomplishment in video game history.

I love the gameplay but it has its faults.

All love to the OG Overwatch team. <3

Underrated gem. In this game, you play as a Railrood Tycoon who mercilessly destroys their competition with capitalism.

Cool scenarios. Deep and satisfying gameplay. Weirdly educational, as well!!

This game is fucking hard and I still haven't finished it. 70 stars tho

This game is hard, and I have not beat it yet.