Games in my backlog that I started no less than 3 times and still haven't finished because they're "too long"

Some of these really aren't that long, it's just that there's games that don't take 30 minutes to finish. Free time doesn't grow on trees, you know!


I LOVED the combat in Bayo 1, this felt longer just because I didn't still have access to all of the moves from the start. Duh, though, right?

I know that wouldn't be a problem if I just ranked higher to get more halos, but after Bayonetta swiftly and thoroughly reminded me I'm terrible at videogames, actually- I felt the need to grind it out, and spent more time than I needed to trying to get Platinums when I could just be finishing the damn game.

I don't know, it's weird. I spend too much time replaying the missions and making it longer for myself.


I've been meaning to get to this for nearly 20 years now and still haven't. At this point, it's on me.


Probably the one on this list that I was MOST interested in trying, but never really sat down to finish.

Went out of my way to get the equipment necessary to play this on real hardware, and here I am..... not having finished it.



Multiple people have told me I stopped right before it got good.


I think, honestly, I just really sorely miss Django in this one.


This game's pacing actually is kind of trash so I don't think that's on me.


3 games are 3 times as long. Who knew?


I finished Mother 1 and 2 years apart from eachother gearing up for this. The intro scenes punched me in the gut as hard as possible and made me think "y'know.... I'll come back to this."

Then I never did.


See Bayonetta 2 for why this ended up longer than it actually is for me


I like the rhythm parts. I don't care for the text adventure parts.

Why do I even HAVE this problem with a rhythm game?


You know, I think my problem is that my eyes glaze over when a lot of dialogue crops up and hasn't immediately gripped my attention...


Gripped me right away with the voiced intro, just for me to forget where I was going and start over. JRPGs are not compatible with my terrible memory...


Exasperated by the simple fact that I have already beaten both of the GBA games this is a remake of.


Easily my favorite RPG I've never finished.
"Just skip it, the second one is better"


1 Comment

4 months ago

hard relate on chrono trigger. feels like getting it on ds ages ago wouldve been the perfect time, now that i keep trying to play it i have a million excuses to push it back

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