NES Games I'll beat a BILLION more times

If I have an hour to kill, I'll pick one of these up and complete it all over again.
I'm not gonna pretend all of these games are perfect. I'm not even gonna pretend all of these are necessarily GOOD! I'm biased, it's my list, sue me.

I just know that I'll enjoy them every time I go back to them. These are the games that, when I start, I finish.

This game is just peak NES.

This is actually the best NES game there is. This single game encapsulates every single one of the strengths of the games the NES has to offer. Graphically, musically, mechanically; it's just perfect. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but this is the game I think of when I think NES, even despite my nostalgia for some of the other titles on here.

Truly marvelous.
I spent the longest time not knowing this was a manga licensed game. I thought it was just some weird hidden gem by a devteam lost to time.

I guess it explains why the powers are so awkwardly specific.
This is the big one on my front page.

I loop this game to relax. While I know that this isn't exactly peak Contra, this is probably the most relaxing for me if I just want to unwind.
Even just jumping in this game feels immediately fantastic. I don't agree with the prices this game fetches online, but it's still a nice time.
Not many games out there where you can just punch bullets out of existence.
Using the Konami code makes you a coward. The only acceptable use of it is if the second player is either a child or really, really drunk.
It's really a toss between CV3 and Akumajou Densetsu for me; I alternate between the two depending on my mood that day.

I actually like some of the localization changes. Grant genuinely feels better to play when his knives aren't thrown.
Easily my favorite of the NES Mega Man games. Love how flexible the weapon set is in this one; it really feels like they wanted you to use as much of your kit as possible.
Heart of Fire goes hard
You can combine the ships in multiplayer! That's sick as hell!
Boomerang Schwarzenegger busts some robots the fuck up
Big shoutouts if you're one of the few that remembers the Mario 10 version of this game!
Blaster Master Zero came out and there's still things in this game I honestly prefer over it.
Why the fuck isn't this guy a playable character in Smash Bros?
If you skip the combining animation you're a heathen and I don't care how much time it saves you.
I can't find the NES entry of this... so the arcade page will have to do.

The NES version is the better game. It has charge shots and boss fights!
This game lets you have Simon Belmont, King Kong, a Moai head, and Mikey from the Goonies on the same team on a quest to save the galaxy.

It didn't need to be a perfect game to immediately have a place in my heart.
Extremely unfortunate name. Great game though!

1 Comment

5 months ago

GOD that is so true i hate it when people say ''use the konami code its the only way to play it'' like jesus stfu contra is not THAT hard

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