This game left me completely astonished. Blew me away. It feels like it could have been scripted by H.P. Lovecraft, an absolutely fantastic storytelling experience. It's so refreshing and innovative, offering the PERFECT experience of a detective game. Every aspect of the game design has been meticulously crafted down to the last detail; it's simply amazing. Two nominations at the Game of the Year awards were not enough; it deserved more recognition.

This game was made with such amount of love, that it's visible even to naked eyes. Geralt is absolutely phenomenal. As for the DLCs, OMG, there are no words—they simply enhances furthermore an already perfect game. A must-play for everyone!

It's the definitive From Software experience. I never felt so good grinding on a RPG. One of the GOATs.

To me, it's the best From Software game. They've rectified all past errors and enhanced it even further. It's the only game from the company with a real good storytelling, the others are either mediocre or poor. Nothing much to say, straight Masterpiece!

Dark Souls isn't a perfect game; the second half feels rushed. But the first blind playthrough until Anor Londo is something that I never felt before. It's a 3D Metroidvania mixed with an Action RPG, absolute generational masterpiece, one of the GOATs. It's so deep and good that it hurts. I played it during the looong nights of isolation times of COVID, and this game taught me that I could never stop fighting against depression and the real-life demons. If I raised the white flag, I would turn hollow, but I didn't dare to do it...

In the list of GOATs, RDR 2 earns its place primarily because of its plot and the character of Arthur Morgan. This game is not perfect, because Rockstar continues to replicate their outdated game design. I don't blame them for it, this type of games are selling well and will likely do so for a long time to come. It's a must-play for everyone, not much more to say. It's simply an astonishing piece of art. Greatest character in a video game of all time, period. I cried, I cried a lot…

Every time I step into this game, it feels like I'm in a Godzilla simulator. It's a flawless and magnificent sandbox, complete with pedestrian simulation, traffic, day and night cycles, an entire bustling city. Los Angeles breathes, it feels alive. Everything was meticulously crafted for me, the giant monster, to destroy everything. It's incredibly satisfying, I believe it's the greatest quality of GTA V. However, everything else in the game was recycled from GTA IV, Red Dead Redemption and other past titles from the company. Filled with clichés and awkward characters, with a game design that feels outdated even for its release time. While undoubtedly one of the most popular games of all time, primarily because of its online mode, it falls short of being one of the greatest of all time. It doesn't even come close to being one of the best Rockstar games. A mid experience, after all! Overrated.

It feels like a Limbo DLC, but this time it's based on Spirited Away (2001) from Ghibli. The immersion in this game is surreal; the sound design, atmosphere and setting are TOP notch. This contributed to me being glued to my chair, feeling a bit scared; nothing too overwhelming though. It's not a game you'll be thinking about for a long time. It's simple and short, which enhances the experience even more. It knows the right time to end the journey. A great surprise, a well-rounded game; really enjoyed it!

What can I say about the GOTY? It's a game that knows exactly what it wants to offer players and perfectly fulfills those goals, providing a well-rounded experience. It's a perfect reimagination of the series, with remarkable character development for Kratos as a father. However, I found RDR 2 to be a more memorable experience, only due to its plot and Arthur Morgan. While it doesn't introduce anything new or innovative to the industry and feels a bit too similar to The Last of Us experience, it's still an extremely solid game!

I loved it at first, but you need to replay a lot of the same songs throughout the Tour mode, and it gets boring after a while. Maybe Rock Band 1 was rushed and Rock Band 2 was released to solve some of the problems with the first entry. That’s it, nothing special, no charm, no innovations—just a polished version of Rock Band 1. Which is still a great accomplishment!

Oh boy, what an adventure! The OST, the epic world, the art direction, the tropical-steampunk aesthetic and the CGI scenes. PURE state of art, impeccable and extraordinary! The turn-based combat is strategic, dynamic and smart, but the grind is mandatory and tedious at certain points in the game. The random encounters are way too frequent. Even though you can flee, it's still annoying because it makes exploring the world frustrating even with Fast Travel. The boss battles are hit or miss; they're either really good or terrible. I fought Yunalesca for approximately 40 minutes—that’s toooo looooong. Speaking of the devil, Seymour is one of the worst villains/antagonists I've ever seen in an epic fantasy. If he were cut from the game, it would instantly improve.

Of course, the plot is the highlight of FFX. While most party members aren't very deep, there are 2 or 3 well-developed characters you'll surely sympathize with. Except for Tidus, the protagonist, who is the stereotype of a teenager. Enduring him for about 40 hours straight was mentally tough. The final act is good, but nothing special, the journey itself was more interesting to me. There are many cringe and bizarre cutscenes, but it's the first entry in the series with voice acting, so I could overlook it.

The year 2001 was incredible, with the release of GTA 3, MGS2, Halo and Silent Hill 2. Because of that, I don't think I can say that FFX is GOTY level, but it's definitely not far behind. It's a really good game. An epic journey of love to save the world from the leviathan!

ps: not my first JRPG, but this is my first Final Fantasy game.

- m𐀏r✞is
I don't know how or why, but even with Atari-like graphics, Faith scared the hell out of me! I don't know how many times I screamed in fright playing this game. It's a true masterclass in thriller and horror games. The plot is amazing, the characters are incredible, the art direction is basic yet extraordinary, the cutscenes are both frightening and astonishing. This game has a strong identity, knows exactly what it wants to offer players, and perfectly fulfills those goals. It's one of the best indie survival horror games ever!

Shadow of The Colossus is not a perfect game by any means; it's too basic, too simple. The game design revolves around riding your horse, climbing moving buildings, and hitting the attack button at the right time. That’s it. But this game is also a timeless masterpiece for exactly that reason. It's so clever and cunning, exploring its fullest potential by inventing and reinventing a single mechanic throughout the journey. Ueda climbed to the top of the colossal Mount Olympus of the games industry with this entry, influencing many genius developers with his minimal game design and emptiness art direction.

I would say the gameplay loop becomes extremely predictable after the seventh colossus, out of 16 total. It would benefit greatly from more storytelling scenes throughout the journey to break up some of the gameplay monotony. It only has one cutscene at the beginning and another at the end, that's all you'll get. Go make some theories inside your mind and have fun with it!

This game suffers from the same problem as The Godfather (1972), Spider-man (2002) and Batman Begins (2005), the infamous: "the first one is incredible, but the sequel is a generational masterpiece". Despite everything, Demon’s Souls has the best dark medieval atmospheres in FromSoft games, it’s charming and amazing in a unique way. The bosses are extremely caricatured and memorable (not better), and the soundtrack... Don't get me wrong, the other OSTs are very good, but none have the charm and identity of Demon’s Souls. It's unmistakable in a blind test, impressively memorable. It has its flaws, but it feels like this first entry in the series is the perfect blueprint! As for the remake, i can sum it up as "it's just a standard pretty girl. It's good-looking, indeed. But lacks everything else, no personality, no sex appeal and doesn't have engaging dialogue”. Give me back the "ha ha ha" in the Tower Knight theme, you bastards!

ps: played online on rpcs3 server with 60 fps patch, yes online! THANK YOU for keeping this game alive. Special shout out to Whatcookie! You're a walking legend

It's disappointing what they did to my beloved Tony Hawk franchise. Why, Robomodo? Why did i mastered this shitshow? It feels like an abusive relationship. Definitely one of the worst entries in the series...