the second hardest game i've made repetitive jerking motions to

vibes are off. it's too bright. it's too shiny and glossy. the remixed music and 2d cutscenes are notably worse. BUT IT'S PERSONA 3 BAYBEEE!!!

This game is impeccably designed. Like everything about it is perfect. Huge treat for rhythmheads and DMC enjoyers.

more diabolical than diablo and more craftier than starcraft, this is one of the suckiest, fuckiest, bloodiest stools to ever squirm out of blizzard misogynist entertainment's heaving bloated hamster hole.

making your kid play this would be considered child abuse

2 crazies and their human pet fight a shiny pokemon. Holy nights ensue.

it's better to psync in the piss than piss in the psync